Credits:This nail art was inspired by the Dumb Ways To Die video produced by Metro Melbourne. Watch the original video here: Watch the karaoke version here: Dumb Ways To Die website: Music is by Tangerine Kitty and is the karaoke version of Dumb Ways To Die provided for download for fan use. Here is the text transcript!Hey Besties. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t fallen in love with these cute little morbid characters. So here’s my take on Dumb Ways To Die nail art! If you like to use a protective base on your nails then apply that first otherwise start with some base colours. I didn’t have some of the colours I needed, so I had to mix my own. Paint your base coat till it’s completely opaque. the colours we are using match the backgrounds from the video. Each little guy has their own colour, so if you choose to do different characters you’ll need to work that out. Otherwise you can paint your the same colours I painted mine. Sell both your kidneys on the internet. We’re going to be using acrylic paint to paint the characters. For all of them, start with a colour that matches and then apply details in a slightly darker shade. For the kidney sell we start with, of all things, a kidney shape. Then add some little legs with feel and arms to hold a wad of cash. Now the details. First off he needs a fist full of money in green and then a cool scar in red. He has a big cheesy grin in white and then black dots for eyes with tiny little white highlights. I also gave him a dark circle to stand on for some added dimension. Once it’s dry, give it a top coat. Stand on the edge of a train station platform. I ended up redoing this guy because I didn’t like the way he turned out. Start with an egg of pink for the body with thin arms and legs. He’s got some floppy yellow hair and I used some dark pink for the shading. A red headphone cord and a black dot for his mouth. In the redone version I added a train station platform and made him a little smaller. Use your private parts as piranha bait. This one is my favorite! He’s only half a kidney shape because this guy knows how to have fun! So start with a light pink, then the details are a circle below him as well as eyebrows and a lower lip. His face is a big scared mouth with two little eyes. For his bones add a spine, then a figure 8 for his hips, some legs and ribs in white. Don’t forget to add the water and some biting fishes in red. Oh no my junk! Some little black eyes for the fish. Poke a stick at a grizzly bear. This guy is like the other half of piranha boy. So half a jelly bean shape with little arms and legs. Give him a darker blue shadow for some dimension and a poking stick. Some pink for his exposed wound. You need a bear to poke in brown. Last but not lease you ened a dot of white for his spine and a little fountain of blood in red. Don’t poke the bear! Get your toast out with a fork. This guy is just a sad little skeleton. So, I round face with a spine, figure 8 for his hips, couple of hoops for ribs and two lines for arms. Now some black for the ashes, fork, toaster lever and his sad sad face. He really wanted that toast you guys. Finally add the rest of the toaster and a frown in grey. Use your clothes dryer as a hiding place. First let’s do the clothes dryer. My right thumbnail is really small which is why I chose it for this nail. So a simple circle in white then another circle in purple. Black for eyes and a frown that immediately regrets it’s hiding spot. Once again some white highlights for the eyes and this is the only dummy who gets teeth. Take your helmet off in outer space. This guy is just a big red blob so let’s start with that. Then give him a grey space suit, line back to the ship and a helmet. Now add the details. Some dark grey shadows on the suit and helmet, then two white lines to finish it off. While you have your white out, you might as well give him some bulging eyes. Dress up like a moose during hunting season. This guy requires a bit of space so save him for a big nail. So first paint some stripes on to be the background of the forest. Once it’s dry, paint on a green blob with little string arms. Then add a helmet in dark green and the face details in the same colour. How are you guys at painting with your left hand? I could use a little more practise. Let’s add some glorious antlers so everyone totally buys that he’s a moose. Some entry wounds in red. I went over the face in black but in the end I re-did the whole nail. Again, not left handed. Invite a psycho killer inside you house. The psycho killer is a big oval of green with a darker green oval inside. Use the same dark green for his arm then top it off with a dark brown blob. He’s got a big white hockey mask that goes over most of the dark green circle. And three white claws. Three lines on the outside of the mask then just fill in the middle with eyes and random black dots. Eat a tube of super glue. Super glue dude is just a big round circle. Clearly he needs to lay off the super glue. Paint his legs in a darker shade then add a cute little smile and some eyes. Lastly add the super glue! Nom nom nom! And there you have it, I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial. Of course once you have cute nail art like this you totally have to do the dance. As Metro says be safe around trains. Thanks so much for watching! Bye! |