A new segment I’m trying out where in I show my morning make up routine for various days and chat about what I’m doing that day. Not really a tutorial, more of a random girly chat while we get ready together in the bathroom 😉
Today’s style features some nice bright pink! . ~~~~~~~~~~~~
A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morning Make Up – Fuchsia Fun Instructions
Welcome to another edition of Morning Make up in which I do my make out and we chat! Today is a nice bright fuchsia which is still wearable! Morning! I’m so excited because we just got approval from our landlord to get a dog! unfortunately I still have to cover up this cut. To cover pimples, cuts or anything else i use a dot of moisturiser to soften it up first. Then some primer to hold the foundation on. Then BB cream all over. I’ve been waiting almost 10 years to get a dog, I’m beyond excited at the moment. I pat some on my dark circles and the cut and leave it to dry for a few seconds. Once it’s mostly dry, I pat again to blend it in. This gives a really even finish and good coverage. Mascara next! I’m not sure which breed we will end up with as we’re going to rescue our dog from a shelter. Champagne shimmer on the inner 2/3rds of the lid. Something small and fluffy though! White shimmer in the center of the lid concentrating around the lash line. You guys are going to get so sick of all of the videos and photos I’m going to post. There will be nothing but puppy spam for weeks! Now the fuchsia! I placed it in a rough pointed “C” shape on the outer corners. We’ve been preparing the house since I got word from the realestate agent so now I just need to save up a little more money to have everything covered. I want to be safe just in case we have unexpected vet bills or things like that. And of course we have to get it some cute toys! Time to blend it all together with a fluffy brush. James is really excited too. He always had dogs growing up but I haven’t had one since I was 7. Next was eyeliner. I used a fairly thin line with a wing so it didn’t cover the white. My old dog was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Bernard. He was really cute. Lash time! these are just some natural length criss cross lashes. He was very cute but not very smart. Bergamot joined in my “waiting for lashes to dry” dance today. And now some finishing powder to hold everything in place. I can’t wait to visit some of the shelters. I used a dark pink shimmer lipstick. I have to think of some names too! What are your suggestions for a small fluffy dog? And a very shiny orange toned lipgloss. Lastly a litte more white shimmer as a highlighter because I forgot before! All done and covered! I hope this was a useful video, please check the blog post linked in the description for more information and tutorials. Thanks so much for watching. Oh my god, puppy! Bye!
ghd were lovely enough to send me one of their new Gloss IV Styler range to try out too so I used it in this video on how I do that over the head braided style. It was really fun to use such a nice styler, it felt so much nicer than my regular one. My hair didn’t catch at all, it was very smooth and my fly aways were all smoothed very easily. The heat up time was insanely short, it beeps to let you know things and the design makes it very easy to get big round curls. The curls stayed in very well throughout the day and I found it very quick to do everything. I’ve been using it for around a week every day and I love having something this size to quickly and efficiently do my hair in the morning. Love it and looking forward to using it in more videos. Also, it matches my bedroom so that’s a big plus too 😉
And here’s the tutorial!
I’m back to uploading videos properly again this week so look forward to it 😀
A basic way to achieve a braided style which goes over the top of the head to the other side and ends in curls.
ghd provided me with one of the new Gloss Stylers to play with for these braiding videos, you can view the range here: http://www.ghdhair.com/au/hair-straighteners This is the one I was provided with: http://www.ghdhair.com/au/limited-edition-ghds/ghd-red-gloss-iv-styler
I found it extremely easy to use, it heated up very quickly and left a very smooth finish on my hair. It gave big beautiful curls evenly and very quickly. It felt a lot smoother to use on my hair than the other straighteners I have. I would recommend it and I will be using it it many more hair tutorials so keep an eye out. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~
A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Curled Headband Braid Hair Style Instructions Today I’ll be showing you how I do an over the head braided hairstyle. Basic braiding knowledge is needed for this one. I was lucky enough to be given one of the new GHD Gloss Stylers for review as well so I’ll be trying that out too. Very pretty! My hair was a bit messy so I straightened it to begin with. Very smooth and manageable. For this style you need to curl the hair tips a little bit. This went much faster with the GHD than it usually does with my mini straightener. The curls were much larger too. This is what you’ll need to start with. Have a hair tie ready and clip away your fringe. Brush all of your hair over to one side of your head. Grab a small section of hair just above the ear and begin a braid while making sure it’s pointing towards the other side of your head. Begin braiding over your head. Take very small sections on the side which is enat your forehead and take large sections on the back of your head. When taking sections from the back, the sections should be thin but go all the way from the nape of your neck to the braid on the back. Try to take sections very evenly so they are all the same width. I think I need an overhead camera for this next time! To give the braid more volume you can use sea salt spray at the roots. Continue over to the other side of the head. These braids look much better if you do them fairly loose so they have more volume and you can see the texture of the braid. There will be some videos linked in the description showing the basic techniques of braiding in case you need a refresher. Continue right over the other side until you run out of hair to braid and reach the ear. Plait the rest of the way down leaving the end curls free. Tie off with a hair tie. Phew that can be pretty tiring on the arms. Pull the plaited area so it is puffier and loose. Fold the plait in half and poke it up into the braid at the back so the curls hang down but the band is hidden. Pin it in place. All finished! It can take a little while to get the hang of having to braid in a different direction but the result is worth it! Try practising on a friend before you do it on yourself so you can get the hang of it! Thanks to GDH for providing me with a straightener too, you’ll be seeing more of it in future tutorials! I hope this was a useful video, please check out the blog post linked in the description for more information and tutorials. Thanks so much for watching! Bye!
I did one of the most requested videos I’ve ever had: my hair routine! I hope you enjoy it and the rest too!
I’ve got to get back to finishing up the watercolours for the Bergamot book now so I can cross off another big thing from my to do list 😀 Some more big announcements this week and a competition too so look forward to that and the tutorials too!
This is a fun casual outfit for a chilly Winter’s day. It has a slightly sailor feel in the colour scheme. I think the most interesting thing about this outfit is the hair 😀
Casual Sailor Outfit Of The Day. Scarf- ebay Brooch- Amaranth Opulent Boots- Femme Connection Simple eye make up Bee earrings Forever New Braided bun hairstyle Belt and dress- Ebay Cute sailor themed details Thanks for watching!
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Blog: http://bit.ly/qIKumk Mobile blog: http://bit.ly/oF86Yz Twitter: http://bit.ly/onCld1 Facebook: http://on.fb.me/pdZ8B5
A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello and welcome to Friday video number 2. Today I’m gong to be talking about using baking soda as shampoo. So baking soda. Firstly, is baking soda the same as baking powder? No. Not the same thing at all, only use baking soda also known as bicarb soda. I use mckensie’s because it’s the cheapest one. You really don’t need to use much each time so for $1.50 you’ll probably get a whole month or more’s worth. So step by step, how do you actually use it as shampoo? #1 don’t use shampoo obviously. Instead of shampoo you would get a little cup of water. I use the lid from James’ shaving cream. Put a couple of spoons in there and then fill the rest up with warm water. Then I mix it around with my finger until it’s mostly disolved and put it through your hair. Massage it to the roots like your would a normal shampoo and make sure to get it really close to the roots because that’s where most of the oil and grease is. Then I leave it on there for a couple of minutes, maybe 3 minutes? I don’t really have a clock in my shower so. Once I’m satisfied that my hair is clean I wash it out. So that’s really it. Afterwards if you want to you can use a conditioner. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. And if I do, I avoid the roots because again that’s usually where my hair gets oily. Using the baking soda took me a while to get used to because it really doesn’t feel like shampoo. And honestly until you get out of the shower and completely dry your hair it doesn’t feel clean, not even a little bit. When it goes in it’s kind of grippy, I guess is the word, like when you rub two pieces of velvet together and all of the little fibres catch on each other. When you shampoo you get a lather, this doesn’t lather at all. Also when you shampoo your hair and you dry it it had that light airy feeling, you know you feel like you’re in a Pantene commercial and you’re flipping your hair around and you’ve got a big fan blowing in your direction to get the perfect hair flick off to the side. This isn’t like that. Once you dry your hair it feels amazing. It’s really soft and smooth. The texture of my hair feels a lot better now than when I was using shampoo. I could totally do the commercial with the fan and the wind blowing. It takes a bit longer to dry than traditional shampoo, I imagine it’s because that has special ingredients to quicken the drying time or whatever and this is just baking soda, nothing fancy. And that’s pretty much it. With baking soda I don’t seem to was as often because it doesn’t seem to need it. I think that’s probably to do with the fact that some shampoos strip the natural oils out of your hair and that’s stuff you want in there. So your scalp maybe overcompensates and makes extra. Again I’m not an expert so I haven’t no idea the science behind this, I just know it works for me. This seems a bit more gentle though and I don’t have to wash as often. As I mentioned in my previous video on using it as dry shampoo, there were a lot of comments asking whether it was the same as using talcum powder. Or baby power. Yes and no. It’s the same in that they do both get the job done. But when you wash it out it comes out a lot easier than talcum For the full transcription take a look at the blog post or turn on captions.
Illustrator. Strong tea, knitting, watercolours, and making a video game called Moonlight in Garland. Living with her adorable husband Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
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