This is a new kind of video I’m trying out: art! Over the holidays I got back into watercolours after several years or not painting at all so I’m practising by making these videos.
This is a painting I did of Vocaloid Hatsune Miku. I have just discovered the world of vocaloids and am quite intrigued by it. I’m not particularly happy with the resulting painting but it was great to practice on a new character. My knowledge of Miku and the other vocaloids is fairly limited at the moment but I’m looking forward to learning more!
Next painting video will be another blogging friend: Nessbow so look out for that one soon!
See the full post here for more information: TBA
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A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hatsune Miku Speed Painting Instructions Time for another speed painting video. Today I was inspired by Vocaloid Hatsune Miku. I have only just discovered the world of Vocaloids so I couldn’t help but be inspired to paint something. The rest wasn’t one of my best pieces but it was a lot of fun to do. Hope you enjoy. The finished product! First off I started with a sketch! I transfered the sketch to the watercolour paper roughly. Then filled in the details with a light yellow. Next I started outlining in a bright green. I find the idea of vocaloids really intriguing. Computerised pop stars are such a fun idea. I flooded the hair with a green wash. The idea of live shows with them is very interesting too. Then lightly washed over her clothes too. Next was a wash on the skin. After that I shaded the skin. I added detail and fabric to the shirt using a darker black. Black shadows on the clothes leaving a highlight. The songs I’ve heard so far are really cute too. Filling in even darker areas. Very dark shadows on the clothes now. Do you guys have a favorite vocaloid character? Next was adding brighter green to the hair. The designs are all so colourful which makes them fun to draw! And all of the clothing detail. Small details of the face next and light colour to the eyes. Time to work on the background. Big green spots everywhere. Then slight shadow on them. Then filling the rest with a yellow and green wash. I’m still so out of practice with painting but doing this videos is motivating me. Painting characters like this is fun practice. Starting to come together! Outlining everything in black now. You could do this with pen too if you like. I’m stocking up on cheap pens with all the back to school sales. The hair was an area I wasn’t completely happy with. It was a little too curved in the end. Don’t forget if you have video suggestions let me know in the comments! I love trying out new styles! To give the background some more detail I added some black spots. Lastly I added a couple of highlights in white. A little blush and it’s done. I had a lot of fun doing this so maybe I’ll start a vocaloid series. So I hope you guys enjoyed! It’s been fun learning old techniques again and I’m looking forward to improving again for next time. Thanks for watching!
A new segment I’m trying out where in I show my morning make up routine for various days and chat about what I’m doing that day. Not really a tutorial, more of a random girly chat while we get ready together in the bathroom 😉
Today’s style features plum and white blended together. I wore a very similar look to this on New Years Eve and I think I’ll be wearing it again for Lunar New Years Celebrations this year because I’m in love with the colours.
See the full post here for more information: TBA
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A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time for another random morning make up video in which I do my make up and we chat. Today is a variation of the look I wore for New Years. Ad usual I started with my foundation and added light pink highlighter to my brows. I applied light pink shadow all over the lid. What did you all get up to for New Years? All of our plans were cancelled so we did everything last minute. A purple/maroon colour was added to the outer corners in a C shape. We ended up going to Docklands for the early fireworks. Then I added some plumb over the inner edge of the maroon. then we came home. I didn’t like the first pink so I added another one over the top of it. Then we went out again to Southbank for the real ones. I used a very dark shimmer purple on the outer half of the lash line. James has a real love for fireworks but I’m pretty indifferent to them. I think after you see one, they all look the same. Next I added a little white liner to the center lash line and placed a dab of white shadow over it. Here in Melbourne they launch the fireworks off all of the tallest CBD buildings. Then using a fluffy brush I blended it all together. We were standing right under one of them this time so the explosions lit up the cloud like lightening, that was pretty cool. To make sure my liner brush has a nice point I put a drop of make up remover on a cotton pad and squeeze it into shape. What does your city do for New Years? Eyeliner time! I used a fairly thin line. To be honest, I think I would be just as happy to celebrate the new year by staying at home watching a movie. I added some bottom liner to the outer corner and joined up the bottom line to the top. I think I live the lift of an old lady: napping, tea and embroidery. Mascara and a little pink blush next. In fact I think my life is probably even more boring than an old lady because it’s hard to yell at kids to get off my lawn in an apartment. Then equally pink lipstick and gloss. “Damn you whippersnappers get out of my hallway” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. Lastly some winged 3/4 lashes to top it all off. I think I need to work on my cranky old lady act. I hope this was a useful video, please check out the blog post linked in the description for more information and tutorials. Thanks so much for watching. Bye!
A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Curled Fringe or Bangs Using a Mini Straightener Hair Style Instructons Curling your fringe with a straightener. Morning! Today I’ll show you how I curl my fringe using a mini straightener. First brush your fringe and run the straightener over it get rid of any fly aways. Angle the straightener at 45 degrees and twist it under so the hair is wrapped around the straightener. Gently pull the straightener away from your face while twisting slightly. Touch up any areas which didn’t curl completely. Do so by clamping the straightener on half way and twisting in the direction of the curl. Repeat on the other side. So start by straightening the hair and brushing. Again, clamp at a 45 degree angle but this time the opposite direction. Rotate the straightener under. This side has a lot more hair so I like to concentrate on getting that curl right first before I do the rest in sections. It can take a little more time to get this to work as there is more hair to curl. When the curl under is perfect, take one third sections and twist them around the straightener into curls. Working with smaller sections will give you better control. Do the longest section last. It can be hard to twist the straightener on this side if you’re right-handed so if it’s easier just come in to the curl from the top angle rather than the bottom. Keep working it until you are happy with the curls. I like to curl some longer bits around my face as well to frame it nicely. This creates a really soft look. And that’s it! Add a pretty hair accessory and you’ve got a very pretty casual look! I think this fringe looks fantastic with ponytails and other updos as well. I hope this was a useful video, please check out the blog post linked in the description for more information and tutorials. Thanks so much for watching. Bye!
I’m back into my regular video schedule this week with some art and new hair tutorials too! Even James is getting into the video spirit and he’s uploaded his first review (full of photography jargon I don’t understand) and I make a very awesome cameo! Mini Curl Wand and 3 Quick Hair Style Tutorials
Violet’s Painting Adventures- Fables in Fashion
Curling Ends Using a Mini Straightener Tutorial
Phottix BGD7000 D7000 Battery Grip (MBD11) Review
My cameo is totally worth watching this for… oh and also James is funny too 😀
A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited
Curling Ends Using a Mini Straightener Hair Style Instructions. Today I’m going to show you how I curl the ends of my hair using a mini straightener. Mine is a little travel one, perfect size for me. First section your hair in half. Divide one half into front and back sections and pin the front out of the way. Brush through the back which we’ll be working with forst. Apply a heat protector spray too. Take a small section of hair and brush it smooth. Clamp the straightener on the strand around 1/3rd down and then wrap the bottom of the hair completely around the straightener once. Rotate the straightener in place backwards. Keep rotating until the end of the hair is pointing straight down again. Holding the end of the strand gently more the straightener down the hair. When you get around half way it helps to hold the top of the strand to gently pull it through the straightener. So this all the way to the very end concentrating on the tips. It should come out as a wave at the top and a nice round ringlet at the bottom. So again. Clamp the straightener. Wrap the tail around it. Rotate the straightener so the tail is pointed downwards. Gently pull the hair through it. It really helps not to clamp the straightener down too hard. If it’s too tight you will need to pull the hair through with too much force and that will ruin the curl. It can be really awkward to get the hang of first but practice to get the twisting motion right really helps. And there’s another bouncy curl! So at this point it’s a matter of repeating those steps until you run out of hair. Once you master the twisting that makes the curls you can twist strands the opposite way so the curl spirals either clockwise or anti-clockwise depending on the style you want. It’s a good idea to twist them different ways otherwise they can mash together to form a gigantic super curl after a while. So that’s one section done! Use some hairspray to set everything in place. Bouncy! So let the front section on the same side down and continue. I like the curls around my face to be tighter so I start higher up and take more time on each curl. If one of them doesn’t work just wait for it to cool down and try again. Or if you want to curl it more up the top recurl the section making sure to follow the original curve of the curl. This is how I fix up one of the strands which wasn’t quite as curly as the others. No you just need to do the other half. I usually do this while watching tv otherwise it can get pretty boring… Unfortunately you guys are just stuck watching me. Though maybe you’re trying to do this along with the video so I’m kind of like the tv. Bam! Curly ends. There are so many styles you can do with this hair but my favorite is just to add a hair bow or usamimi. Cute. If all of your curls spiral in the same direction you might find them coming together into a gigantic monster sausage curl during the day. If that’s the case you can separate and recurl with your fingers and add some hairspray. You can also encourage a couple of them to rotate the other way with your fingers. I hope this was a useful video, please check out the blog post linked in the description for more information and tutorials. Thanks so much for watching. Bye!
This is a new kind of video I’m trying out: art! Over the holidays I got back into watercolours after several years or not painting at all. This is a portrait of my friend Celina from Fables in Fashion. Check out her channel below because she is insanely talented! I am definitely very out of practice with my painting but I would love to continue this series so I can improve more.
The video I was inspired by is Celina’s Christmas Holiday Masquerade Makeup Tutorial in which she draws an entire mask on using make up. She made the whole outfit for that shoot too, definitely check it out over here:
A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!
Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.
She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited
~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have a lot of insanely talented friends and I really want to introduce you guys to some of them. Recently I’ve gotten back into painting so I thought I would introduce you first to Celina of Fables in Fashion by painting a watercolour portrait of her. I’ve included these painting videos in vlogs before but let me know what you think of them as stand alone videos. These are the photos I was inspired by. Click here to see her Fables video on the look! Starting with a blank page. Celina makes a new video every Friday. Her videos are tutorials on beautiful artistic looks. I’m using a waterbrush for this painting. I keep the reference photo handy to make sure I’m doing ok. In this video she created the mask completely out of make up. She even sewed the dress and corset herself. Drawing done, it’s time for colour. I always do skin first. I do basic wash. Then start blending in shadows. Her videos have really cool special effects in them too. I blend a custom skin colour depending on the subject, She is also a really talented cosplayer. Next is a basic wash on the red areas. And then the creases with more burt sienna. Now time for the hair. Again a basic wash. One of the reasons I love Celina’s videos is how creative she is in the storytelling. Shadows in burt sienna. I added details to the mask in a mix of yellows. Washes in the lips and eyebrows now. Then I filled in the small mask with red and added the eye details with more burnt sienna. Next I took care of the larger details like lips and eyes. And then the mask. While the rest dried I took care of the background using burt sienna again. Then it was finishing touches on the mask. So definitely check out Celina’s channel for really creative videos. And also because she’s a super nice person! I re-outlined everything in more burt sienna, god so much burnt sienna! I also added some small white details for highlights. Tadaa! So I hope you guys enjoyed this, let me know what you think in the comments. I’ve filled another couple of these already but if you have requests let me know. It’s been fun learning old techniques around and I’m looking forward to improving again. Thanks for watching!
Illustrator. Strong tea, knitting, watercolours, and making a video game called Moonlight in Garland. Living with her adorable husband Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.
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