by VioletLeBeaux | Oct 15, 2015 | Nail-Art-Tutorials, Nails, Tutorial
I can’t believe how long my nails are in these photos *_* I think I cut them down super short right after this and I’m only just growing them again now!
Anyway, I promised this tutorial ages ago and now that I’m cleaning out my photos I figure I should make good on the promise!
Start by applying a base coat if you need one.
Then apply white to the entire nail. Use as many coats as you need to make it opaque.
It’s a good idea to use a long thin striping brush for this design because it will be easier to get straight lines.
Pick the colour of the sailor collar you want to do and use the striping brush to paint a line diagonally from one cuticle down.
Do on the other side as well:
Fill in the rest of the nail. You could leave the bottom white to avoid steps later but I wasn’t really thinking very well when I did this haha!
Add a white stripe or two depending on the uniform you’re doing.
Then if you didn’t leave the gap down the bottom, paint across it with white:
Next add the bow shape in the relevant colour…
And a diamante to the middle!
Now using white, outline the bow and give it a little definition.
Once everything is totally dry, give it a clear coat!
And done!
by VioletLeBeaux | Dec 10, 2014 | Nail-Art-Tutorials, Nails, Tutorial
Today’s nail art is inspired by James’ favourite part of this time of year: cherries! He can barely eat them because of his allergies but he still loves them! So let’s get into it 😀
You need: - Yellow base polish
- Red polish or acrylic paint
- Green polish or acrylic paint
- White polish or acrylic paint
- Clear top coat
Begin by painting a yellow base coat and allowing it to dry. To make the cherry shape paint two small circles which are almost touching each other. The right circle should be slightly higher up than the left. I’m making this into a larger pattern so I painted pairs of cherries all over the nail randomly. Next for the stems, using light green paint a thin line from each circle so it meets up the top and forms a sort of upside down “V” shape. Add a small triangle at the top of the stem as a leaf. Repeat on the other cherries. I also added a stem which went off the edge of the nail so it appeared like the pattern continued. Once all of that is dry, use your white to add very small dots to the leaf and cherries to make highlights. Lastly give everything a top coat using clear polish. This pattern is so cute! … but now I’m hungry for cherries! Hope you guys are having a good week and let me know if you try this out! |
by VioletLeBeaux | Nov 5, 2014 | Nail-Art-Tutorials, Nails, Tutorial
I’ve done leopard print nail art before but I wanted to do an updated version to show how versatile this print is so here is some cute pink leopard print ^_^
You will need: - Light pink base polish
- White polish or acrylic paint
- Dark pink polish or acrylic paint
- Clear top coat
- Thin brush
Begin by painting the nail light pink and allowing it to dry. Next paint white splotches all over the nail randomly. You can keep them in a pattern but random tends to look more natural… as natural as pink leopard print can actually look anyway >_> Once that is dry prepare some dark pink and paint a little splotch as if you were going to paint an outline of the white. Do this broken outline in either 2 or 3 splotches. Don’t worry if it’s messy, it really doesn’t matter. Do this broken outline to each of the white splotches. Paint some of the dark pink off the edge too so it looks like the pattern continues. Once the polish is all completely dry, top coat it with clear polish to finish off the look. Leopard print really is my favourite pattern! It’s just so simple to do but so effective! Hope you found it useful and let me know if you give it a try! |
by VioletLeBeaux | Oct 3, 2014 | Nail-Art-Tutorials, Nails, Tutorial
For today’s nail art tutorial let’s do some happy clouds in a nice blue sky!
You will need:
- Blue base polish
- White polish or acrylic paint
- Thin Brush
- Clear top coat
This design is really easy to pick up and you can even use a regular polish brush for the clouds if you don’t have a thinner one.
Begin by painting a base coat of bright blue.
. To make the clouds, paint a white dot roughly in the middle of the nail. Add another one of a similar size next to it. And one more next to that. On top of the first row, add two dots between the bottom three. And that’s the basic pattern for a cloud! Repeat making little clouds randomly all over the nails. Once it’s all completely dry, add a clear top coat. All done! This design makes me happy whenever I look at it 😀 Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and let me know if you have any requests! |
by VioletLeBeaux | Sep 13, 2014 | Nail-Art-Tutorials, Nails, Tutorial
For today’s lazy nail art, let’s learn one of the basics: bows!
You will need: - Light blue base polish
- Purple polish or acrylic paint
- Darker purple polish or acrylic paint
- White polish or acrylic paint
- Clear top coat
- Thin paint brush
So the basic shape of a bow is quite easy. Paint your base colour and allow it to dry. Paint a small triangle to make the first half of the bow. Paint another small triangle on the other side of it. Join the two triangles with a little dot in the middle. Using a darker shade, add two little lines on either side of the centre dot. These represent the folds in the fabric. Then add a few highlights in white around the edges and one on the centre dot. Once it’s all dry, give it a top coat! Now you’ve got the basics, you can play around with placement. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started! My favourite is the one on my ring finger below with one bow placed at the cuticle. |
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by VioletLeBeaux | Aug 8, 2014 | Nail-Art-Tutorials, Nails, Tutorial
For today’s nail art tutorial let’s do lace tips!
You need: - Glitter base polish
- White polish or acrylic paint
- Clear top coat
- Very thin brush
Begin by painting a glitter base coat and allowing it to dry. Water down your paint/polish so it’s an easy consistency to paint with and draw a thin line as if you were marking the bottom of a french tip. Add another line above it following the same curve. Now make small diagonal lines between the two. And make diagonal lines in the other direction so they form crosses. Add more crosses to the top section of the nail. Along the bottom curve, paint small semi-circles. Add little flicks along the semi-circle line. Once it’s completely dry, give the nail a top coat with clear polish. Done! I love how effective this looks with the bright glitter as a base! |
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