How to Make Covered Buttons

Making my own fabric buttons is something I’ve always been interested in but didn’t really know how to go about it. I got these little button making kits in a random craft supply bag a few years ago and promptly lost them in my stash until I went through it recently.

Having them sitting there doing nothing seemed silly so I decided to give it a try 😀


They come in two parts like this which fit together. I decided on some pink polar fleece to make mine.VioletLeBeaux-Covered-Buttons-_7602_9926Cut out a circle of fabric big enough to go over the button with overhang to spare. Mine was stretchy which really helped.VioletLeBeaux-Covered-Buttons-_7603_9927

Fold one side over the large button piece and poke it in so it catches on the metal teeth. I used a nail file to poke it.


Keep doing it all the way around poking it in and pulling it tight.


Now fit the other piece of the button into it and press tightly. I needed a pair of pliers to shove it in properly.


The plier teeth squished the back in a bit but oh well it’s just the back!




This is the point you probably get a bit addicted to making buttons and next thing you know this happens…


So there you go! Now I’m trying to think of a way I could do this without having buy the metal parts, James suggested just gluing fabric over regular buttons. More thought needed but I’ll come up with a way 😀



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New Camera Decoden Panasonic Lumix GF3

So if you follow me on Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr/whatever you probably saw I got my Christmas present early this year. What was it? A new camera! 😀 A Micro 4/3rd Panasonic GF3 which I’ve been pining over since it was first announced around 8 months ago. I’ll be doing a full review on it later (in which I test whether it can do all of the things they show in the cute Japanese/Taiwanese ads by re-enacting them!) and I’ve got two snapshots posts scheduled for the weekend of the first night I took it for a spin but in the mean time this is how I deco’d it  with a mixture of Swarovski and pearls ^_^


VioletLeBeaux-Decoden-Camera-Panasonic-Lumix-GF3-8321_10973This time, because it was a nice pink already, I wanted to go for something less over the top and more cohesive so I made the flowers a feature and just paved in the rest. I put my initial on the lens and custom painted all of the pearls. I’m planning to make a couple of other lens caps so I have interchangeable ones. I also have to do the other lens it came with and the lenshood flower thingy.VioletLeBeaux-Decoden-Camera-Panasonic-Lumix-GF3-8319_10971 

For the moment I’ve left the back plain because I’m out of gems but that may change in the future. I also want to make a custom embroidered strap for myself like the one I made for James last year too. I should have more time for that when I get back 😀


So this design I debated over for quite a while because I waited so long for the camera that I wanted it to be really me 😀


This time I also recovered the entire deco surface with thin double sided tape before I used epoxy glue on top of it because I have a feeling I’m going to want to change the design fairly often. I probably didn’t need to do this because it’s a metal housing but better safe than sorry!


All of the things I considered before settling on the flowers:


So there you go, I like it quite a bit and I think I’ll enjoy being able to change it all on a whim. Now I just need to decide if I’m going to sell my old deco’d TZ10 before or after we go to the zoo for Christmas. I am debating because it has a fantastic zoom on it so it’s great to take photos of far away animals XD


Hope you all enjoyed!



How To Make A Lace Greeting Card and Bergamot Bunny News

Ok so the competition to name Miss Bunny is almost over, go submit your entries if you want the chance to win a bunny and haven’t already.

A lot of people have asked if I’m going to make any bunnies to sell. The short answer is yes I would love to make some to sell but I want to do it right so I’m not going to rush things. I’m finalising the pattern at the moment and I have a couple of questions which it would really help me if you could answer 😀

At the moment I’m planning to take pre-orders in 1-2 weeks for the first batch of bunnies. I’ll be away a bit in Dec and they take time to make so I can’t promise they would get there in time for Christmas but if you were getting them as a gift I could send a special bunny tag or something so you can give them as gifts and then I would send the actual bunnies in early January depending on how many are ordered.

Thanks for all of your wonderful feedback, I can’t wait to learn Miss Bunny’s real name!

Thanks again and on to the tutorial!

I haven’t decided how to make my Christmas cards this year, we don’t really celebrate it but everyone we know does so I send them out anyway XD I thought I would show you some of the designs I came up with while trying to decide on my final cards.

This version is a simple yet pretty lace and fabric greeting card.


What you need:

  • Paper/card
  • Lace
  • Fabric
  • Hot glue
  • Scissors
First thing’s first, let’s make the card. Take an A4 sheet of paper and place it down landscape. Fold it in half left to right and then again top to bottom. Unfolded it should have these creases…


Folded up it will look like this, it’s a basic greeting card but the way it’s folded will allow you to tuck all of the ends of the lace inside so they can’t be seen.


Cut a heart out of your fabric, you really could use any shape but this fabric looks so cute in hearts!


Hot glue it to the front of the card:


Decide how you want to arrange your lace, I decided on a strip up the top and another on the bottom.



Glue the lace in place around the outside of the card.


Unfold the card and glue the ends of the lace to the inside. When the glue is dry add some more on top of each piece of lace and fold the card up again, this will keep it all in place.





Cute card and they don’t take very long to make at all. I really love how simple it is to do, you could personalise each one with a different fabric shape too if you wanted.


Do you guys hand make cards or just buy them? I like putting the effort in but I know most of mine just get thrown away so I’m tempted to not bother any more and spend the time making something better!


New Cute Animal Plushies Crafting

So that whole plushie making thing kind of got a bit obsessive and then this happened…


The others aren’t as good as the bunnies, the bunnies are totally my favorites but I still figured I’d show you what I spent so much time doing XD

I don’t really think it needs much explanation!

VioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7335_9893VioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7331_9891VioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7328_9888I couldn’t find orange polar fleece at any of the shops I normally go to so a car shammy was sacrificed for this one XDVioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7332_9892VioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7317_9877VioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7330_9890VioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7315_9876VioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7324_9884VioletLeBeaux-Random-Plushies_7314_9875

And after that my fingers hurt like hell from the hand stitching. I’m working on ways to make the pattern more machine-stitch-able so I can make a bunny army… by the way want to see what a zombie bunny army looks like? I bet it’s something like this…


Australis Make-Up Finishing Spray Review… Currently Using


Australis Make-Up Finishing Spray

Price: $14.95

Obtained: Gift Bag


I’m not really sold on the idea of finishing sprays, I personally prefer powders so I wasn’t very interested when I came across this in a gift bag. I gave it a try anyway one day on a whim and while I liked it I couldn’t really tell if it made my make up last any longer. It smells like roses which I really love and the smell doesn’t linger for very long. As I mentioned I couldn’t tell if it actually made my make up last longer but the nice smell did make me want to use it again. I think it would be something I would use a lot in Summer and maybe keep it in the fridge for a cool refreshing burst during the day.

Would I buy Australis Make-Up Finishing Spray again: Probably not because I didn’t notice any difference in my make up wear.

Disclaimer: All reviews are my honest opinions whether product was provided for review or bought. I am not an expert, just a girl who likes beauty products. Click here to read about my personal preferences or for more information on “Currently Using” mini review posts. Click here for my Editorial and Ethics Policy.

Dweam’s Decoden Name Necklace

We’re going away for a bit in December and I’m getting everything ready this week so I’ll be prepared for the next insane month so that’s why it’s been a bit quiet around here ^_^

There are a lot of sewing tutorials coming up including a couple of dress ones in the mean time the lovely Miss Dweam sent me this custom made name necklace! It was such a perfect surface so I couldn’t help decoing it and stringing it onto a pearl necklace so here are a couple of photos 😀


Taadaa! I LOVE IT! Thank you so much Valerie, I want to wear it everywhere now!


Hope you guys are all having an awesome week. I’m thinking of doing some daily V-Logs throughout December since it’s going to be such a busy month, let me know if that’s something you’d like to see. Tomorrow I’ll be putting up the Bunny naming competition too so hope you all enter!

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