So if you follow me on Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr/whatever you probably saw I got my Christmas present early this year. What was it? A new camera! 😀 A Micro 4/3rd Panasonic GF3 which I’ve been pining over since it was first announced around 8 months ago. I’ll be doing a full review on it later (in which I test whether it can do all of the things they show in the cute Japanese/Taiwanese ads by re-enacting them!) and I’ve got two snapshots posts scheduled for the weekend of the first night I took it for a spin but in the mean time this is how I deco’d it  with a mixture of Swarovski and pearls ^_^
This time, because it was a nice pink already, I wanted to go for something less over the top and more cohesive so I made the flowers a feature and just paved in the rest. I put my initial on the lens and custom painted all of the pearls. I’m planning to make a couple of other lens caps so I have interchangeable ones. I also have to do the other lens it came with and the lenshood flower thingy. For the moment I’ve left the back plain because I’m out of gems but that may change in the future. I also want to make a custom embroidered strap for myself like the one I made for James last year too. I should have more time for that when I get back 😀
So this design I debated over for quite a while because I waited so long for the camera that I wanted it to be really me 😀
This time I also recovered the entire deco surface with thin double sided tape before I used epoxy glue on top of it because I have a feeling I’m going to want to change the design fairly often. I probably didn’t need to do this because it’s a metal housing but better safe than sorry!
All of the things I considered before settling on the flowers:
So there you go, I like it quite a bit and I think I’ll enjoy being able to change it all on a whim. Now I just need to decide if I’m going to sell my old deco’d TZ10 before or after we go to the zoo for Christmas. I am debating because it has a fantastic zoom on it so it’s great to take photos of far away animals XD
Hope you all enjoyed! |