Plushie Bergamot Bunny’s Day Out

Once upon a time there was a bunny who still didn’t have a name. In fact, as it turned out she had amnesia… explosive amnesia!

The bunny and her owner Violet thought long and hard what her name and life story could be but couldn’t come up with anything at all so they decided to call her Miss Bunny until someone could remember who she was. Man explosive amnesia sure is inconvenient like that!

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Miss Bunny was quite upset at her lack of a name and memories and so decided to venture out into the world to see if anyone knew her.

She took Miss Violet and Mr Jimmy along as transport in hopes that one of them would remember where she came from …VioletLeBeaux-Plushie-Bunny-050271_9509 copyShe visited desert islands but no one remembered her…VioletLeBeaux-Plushie-Bunny-050275_9513 copy


She went to the ACMI museum to find inspiration. There were cool video games and Australian film industry things there but no names.

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Bunny did however have to watch James play aforementioned video games for way too long to be healthy.

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Back to her search, Miss Bunny wondered if she couldn’t find her old name maybe she could get a new one and maybe that talented guy who made Jasper Morello could come up with something old timey for her… but no.

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After spotting some very famous Australian toys just like her, Bunny thought she could get some inspiration… unfortunately “Little Ted” and “Big Ted” weren’t exactly poetic names either >_<‘

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Refusing to give up, Bunny decided to continue her search at a winery near Mornington Peninsula… at least then if she had no luck she could drown her sorrows!

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It was a beautifully picturesque place and gave her lots of inspiration for photos but nothing in the way of remembering who she was so she decided to break for lunch.

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Or rather she and her traveling companions were very distracted by lunch!

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After a suitable amount of time relaxing she went back to hunting for inspiration among the beautiful daisies. Maybe the natural habitat bunnies were supposed to live in would jog her memory!

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All it made her think of was more food…

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And instead of doing something constructive like asking around or making a list of names Miss Bunny just continued cam-whoring around with the beautiful scenery.

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She was even nice enough to let Miss Violet in on the photos… but only once…

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Miss Bunny ventured deeper and deeper into the forest looking for someone who might remember her. She came across streams, beautiful flowers and very well manicured gardens but none of them seemed familiar!

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Even after trekking through the darkest of the forests she came back empty handed…

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Well not quite empty handed, she did manage to find a very pretty flower to take home ^_^

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On the long drive back into town Miss Bunny had time to think. She was so close to giving up when she remembered that the awesome readers of Miss Violet’s blog were all awesomely creative people! That sparked an idea in her little bunny brain.

Maybe they could remember who she was and what her name was! Maybe if Miss Violet bribed them with a competition to win their very own bunny they would tell her!

And so it was sorted. Miss Bunny and Miss Violet discussed the idea at length and came up with the competition which will be on the blog this coming Thursday. If you want to win a Miss Bunny stay tuned until then and start thinking of a name for her!

Old Lolita Fashion Sewing Projects

I’ve been going through a lot of my old stuff lately to clear space for new things and reclaim some floor space in the apartment. While I was getting rid of stuff I came across some old craft projects I did when I was interested in Lolita. I’ve given away almost all of my Lolita stuff now so this was the last to go to a very excited girl I know!

But anyway I thought you guys might be interested in seeing some of it and I feel like reminiscing!


These ear muffs were made out of an old broken pair of headphones. I never even wore them once because Brisbane pretty much is Summer all year XD So they were completely pointless to make! They were based off a BtSSB design back in the days when no one did overseas shipping.

VioletLeBeaux-Lolita-Sewing-Projects-_6113_9319Of course to match I made the bunny bag that was so popular too…VioletLeBeaux-Lolita-Sewing-Projects-_6119_9325

In the end it creeped me out a bit too much and it didn’t hold much so I think I only used it once.


Blue was my favorite colour at the time if you couldn’t tell XD


Lastly this is the last Lolita skirt I ever sewed, the design was quite plain but the fabric was so cute that I didn’t want to go too crazy. I wore this one quite a bit, in fact I had quite a few similar blue skirts because I liked them so much. I’ve kept one AP one but the rest have gone to more loving homes where they can be worn and enjoyed again rather than just collect dust at the back of my closet ^_^


One day I should did up some of the photos of other dresses I made back then. I did quite a few, before I went to Japan in 2007 almost my whole wardrobe was hand made.


While I’m not wearing Lolita styles anymore I know a lot of you guys do wear it so let me know if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see made, I’m in the mood for nostalgic sewing haha!



DIY Modified Jeans Shorts

It’s getting pretty warm here… well warm-ish depending on the day of the week so I thought it was the perfect time to try an item of clothing I haven’t worn since I was around 12… shorts! I found some nice dark denim ones at a store for $6 but they were 4 sizes too big. Only $6 though so I bought them and figured it would be a good test to see if I could modify them and whether or not I actually even like shorts.

Here’s my end result and even though I don’t usually wear them… I really like the style. Good for warm casual days ^_^

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So this was them to begin with, they were a size 14 and I am a 6 so they needed taking in.VioletLeBeaux-Jeans-Shorts-Modification_6081_9288The easiest way to take in pants is to cut the side seams and stitch it back up smaller so that’s what I started with. These jeans had a bit of a flare to the bottom which I wanted to keep so rather than cutting the whole way I folded a wedge which left the bottoms of the legs the same and just took a chunk out of the middle and waist band.


From the inside…


Unfortunately because of the original shape of them the wedge that I cut out (which was basically like a big dart) made the butt part of it look bunchy. So to fix that I folded two smaller darts from the corner of the pockets to the middle seam.


Then I tried it on to make sure it was right and then stitched it together.




Lastly I decided to make the seams more of a focus point so I embroidered over them using a simple “Lazy Daisy” stitch.

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And the side seam:

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So there you go, $6 shorts and half an hour later and I’m pretty happy with them. I’m definitely not going to rush out to buy more but I do like these ones!

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Quick and easy fix for the win!


Benefit Benetint + Gloss Pocket PalReview… Currently Using

Benetint ReviewBenetint ReviewBenetint Review

Benetint + Gloss Pocket Pal- Benefit

Price: A$39

Obtained: Gift Bag


I had really high hopes for it after reading so many positive reviews from other bloggers. Unfortunately this is one of those times when a product and I just don’t work well together 🙁 I really loved the packaging though.

The idea behind the product is that one side is a gloss and the other a lip/cheek stain. The gloss itself was ok, fairly average for a thick shiny gloss though it was damn near impossible to get a reasonable amount out on the wand due to the tiny hole at the top.

I am a big fan of lip tint but this one just didn’t work for me. It is very watery so I found it dfficult to paint on a reasonable amount without it running. Because of the wateriness it also takes a very long time to dry which can be frustrating as putting the gloss on before it’s completely dry just results in you getting colour through the clear gloss side. So I don’t think I would class this as something I would use on the go. That said, I can see how it would be great as a cheek tint because you have time to apply it and clear up mistakes before it dries.

While the smell isn’t overpowering it’s still not nice… if you are uncoordinated like me and happen to get any in your mouth it’s very unpleasant *_* The colour itself is nice, not too pigmented but something that wold be wearable with a lot of looks. Like I said though, this product has so many positive reviews so it’s definitely worth trying out in store and see whether it works for you.

Would I buy Benetint and Gloss Pocket again: Not for me but I might consider buying as a gift.

Disclaimer: All reviews are my honest opinions whether product was provided for review or bought. I am not an expert, just a girl who likes beauty products. Click here to read about my personal preferences or for more information on “Currently Using” mini review posts. Click here for my Editorial and Ethics Policy.

Adorable Bergamot Bunny Plushie Prototypes

So I got excited about the idea of making plushies yesterday and made two little bunny prototypes! I couldn’t help it, I’ve never made a plushie before but I’m addicted now! I have a half done meerkat sitting on my desk now too!

There’s not much to say so prepare for gratuitous bunny photos! 😀

Bunny-Plushie_6292-www.JimmyAmerica.combunny-plushie_6323-www.jimmyamerica.combunny-plushie_6304-www.jimmyamerica.comBunny-Plushie_6284-www.JimmyAmerica.combunny-plushie_6322-www.jimmyamerica.combunny-plushie_6315-www.jimmyamerica.combunny-plushie_6295-www.jimmyamerica.combunny-plushie_6327-www.jimmyamerica.combunny-plushie_6329-www.jimmyamerica.combunny-plushie_6318-www.jimmyamerica.combunny-plushie_6321-www.jimmyamerica.combunny-plushie_6317-www.jimmyamerica.comArgh I’m so happy with them considering it was my first attempt ever and I made up the pattern! What do you guys think? They need names! I can’t think of anything cute enough to name them!! I’m going to go finish my meerkat now 😀 

Filofax Book Cover Tutorial

One last tutorial to end the week on and this one is a funny kind of collaboration! Months ago, Miss EggVIP suggested making a book cover to use on the train. I pretty much stay in the CBD now so training places isn’t a huge thing from me but I have been wanting to make some kind of folder to keep letters you guys send in. Enter Hear Mum Roar who kindly donated an old filofax for crafting a long time ago too!

Add some scrap fabric I had and this was the result:


I haven’t really decorated it yet but I thought I would show you how I made the basic cover and leave the rest to your imagination ^_^You need:

  • Fabric
  • Needle/thread or a sewing machine
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Iron/ironing board to make it nice and neat
  • Book to cover
First step is to lay out your fabric and place the book on top, you need to measure enough to cover the whole thing and still leave several cm on all sides to be the seams. I only had enough for a small amount of overhang on each side but if you want to have pockets on the inside I would suggest cutting it twice as wide as the book.



Lay the fabric out with the bad side up and fold the top and bottom over twice to form a seam like this then pin it in place:


You want it to be a little taller than the book so it will protect the edges a little and there’s enough room for the cover to side in and out.

Next flip it so the good side is up and fold the sides over the cover edges and pin in place like this:


Fold the other side over and make sure it’s fairly snug on the book but not so tight so you can’t close it. You’ll notice all the seams are facing outwards, we’re basically making it inside out so the seams are hidden on the inside.


Take the book out and fold the raw edge back on itself so it will be hidden at the end and pin in place.


You should have something along these lines. In a perfect world you would fold the raw seam under twice so it’s completely incased but I didn’t have enough fabric to do that.


Now stitch everything! Sew around the outside seams that you pinned so it’s all completely secure. Once you’re finished you can turn it right way out.


My filofax had an elastic band to hold it closed so I poked a hole out the back to allow it through. DONE!


On the inside you can see what I meant about leaving more fabric to turn the cover into a pocket on each side. Mine was much too thin but if you have enough fabric it can be very useful!


Now you just need to fill it with letters! Or in my case, you need to sit down and reply to your letters instead of procrastinating by making a pretty folder to keep them in >_> The beautiful one you can see on top was written to me by the awesome Frolickings, she even drew this beautiful picture of me!! So freaking awesome!


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