Needle Felted Hedgehog Pin Cushion Tutorial- Home Sweet Home

So it’s been a while between Home Sweet Home projects but I’m so motivated at the moment that I did like 10 of them last week 😀 First up we have a needle felted hedgehog pin cushion! Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60999

This is the second part of the previous organising of the pin cushion project. Home-Make-Over-Journal-5 Lovely reader Erin sent me a really cute pattern for a stitched felt hedgehog which I am going to make as well but I am SUPER obsessed with needle felting at the moment, it’s such an easy craft and really quick too once you get the hang of it! I bought a needle from Morris and Sons and some roving from Lincraft to start myself off ad see if I actually enjoyed it before I went crazy. VioletLeBeauxFelted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60799_17763 For the base of the hedgehog I used some white pillow stuffing so I didn’t waste my yarn XD Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60965 Stab it into a little ball the size of the body you want and flatten the bottom. I might do a more detailed tutorial/video on this later if anyone wants to see ^_^ Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60966 Cut a small piece of wool to use as a nose. Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60970 Spin it into a point at one end. Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60971 Felt it into shape and then felt it into one end of the ball. Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60973 Add random colours all over the body. I made mine quite fluffy and used synthetic fluff because it looked more cotton candy-ish. Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60975 Add some little back eyes. Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60976 And little round feet for it to stand on. Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60977 Then once it’s the density you want (fairly thick) you just need to pop in all of your pins! Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-70003 My old pin cushion looks a little sad next to the super cute hedgehog! Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60997Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-60998 The other project I made with my kit that night was a little fox! Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-70004 I love foxes, they look so cuddly… they’re not in real life but they look like they should be! Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-70005Felted-Hedgehog-Pin-Cushion-DIY-70010 I also tried to make a Bergamot before I had any black roving so she didn’t turn out so well XD Now that I have more colours I want to remake her! VioletLeBeauxIMG_4866_18064 Have any of you guys tried needle felting? I think I’m completely addicted now!

Paperclip and Wire Heart Ornament Quick Craft Tutorial

This is a mini project, literally. ^_^

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Take 1 paper clipVioletLeBeaux-paperclip-heart-tutorial-38_1274 copy

Bend it in the middle and push the sides up to the top.

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You made a heart paper clip, hurray!

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Squish the extra parts into the middle.

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Then take some red wire.

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Make a loop at the top.

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Wind it around and around and around and around and around.

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When you get to this area you will need to start winding it around each of the top bumps.

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Keep going until you either run out of wire or it looks finished.

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Messy and adorable. I think if you made like 10 of them you could decorate a tiny adorable Christmas tree  XD

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In theory you could also make whatever shape you wanted if you had some pliers haha!

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Or it could be a wall hanging in a doll’s house XD Or a gift for your friend who really likes The Used hahaha!

How To Make A Beaded Bow Hair Accessory :D

Do you know that fabric glue is totally awesome? I bought some for $2 at a craft store sale and have been abusing it since XD

So here was my first project… beaded hair accessories. I saw some of these on ebay and also in stores like Diva  but making one is more fun!


You need:

  • Beads of various colours
  • Felt
  • Fabric glue
  • Alice band or hair clip
Cut out a random piece of felt in a squiggly shape. You can plan it out before hand if you want or just cut and hope it ends up ok haha.


Start in small sections and add glue around the outlines.


Place the beads on. You can do it one by one with tweezers but I don’t have that kind of patience so I wet my finger slightly and picked up several at a time.


Once you have the outline done you can start filling in the middle.


Use different colours to give it more depth and different effects.


When it’s completely filled in leave the whole thing to dry overnight.


Here’s another one I made which is a bit more traditionally cute ^_^


Cut a bow shape out of felt.


Add glue over the whole thing (it’s little so you can probably do the whole thing before it all dries.


Place the darker pearls around as an outline.


Fill in the middles with lighter pearls.


Once they are dry the next day glue on some more felt as little channels to the back. This is how it will grab on to the aliceband.


The little bow just needs something small to grab on to because I’m just using a bobby pin.


DONE! Now after adding the alice band or clip it’s time to wear them out with pride! 😀



Nordic Dress To Poncho Upcycling Sewing Tutorial

You know how I’ve been having that whole wardrobe clean out thing? Well it continues as I try to change up some older clothes instead of throwing them out 😀

Today I thought I’d show how I turned a knitted dress into a comfy nordic poncho. I really loved this dress but it just never looked right on me 🙁 Something about the lack of waist and slight curved line in the bottom that just made me look odd. But I love the print so I couldn’t let it go just yet XD


First thing, a note about working with knitted fabrics like this, be VERY careful. Honestly don’t cut knitted fabric unless you’re going to be very quick in sewing it back up otherwise you will find things unravelling. You will need to either overlock all of the seams or you should use a princess seaming technique to seal in all raw edges completely.VioletLeBeaux-Poncho-Upcycle-_6091_9297So, to turn the dress into a poncho, the first thing I did was snip off the side seams.VioletLeBeaux-Poncho-Upcycle-_6092_9298

I folded the bottom up to work out how long the end result would be.


And snipped it off 😀


Then snipped it in half again..


… to make big sleeves!


I trimmed so it all fit together well.


Then started sewing up the seams.


All the pieces laid out look like this:


Sewn together and seamed:


To top it off I added some tassels to the edge out of left over yarn. Easy!


It’s nice and warm for the current season and now at least I can wear it!


What do you guys think? Do you prefer stuff like this or completely done from scratch clothes?

Guitar Hero Modifications Controller Adorable Make Over V2

I started these Guitar Hero modifications months ago. I finished James’ one straight away because it was super easy and he’s really not picky XD

Mine took a lot more thinking through. I wanted it to be over the top, what’s the point of rocking out if you can’t do it turned up to 11?

So result?


And how did I do it?First up was the face place the same as James’.violetlebeaux-kawaii-pink-guitar-hero-modification-320_14647I removed it and covered it with some left over fabric from another project.



I hot glued all of the edges down and it was much more time consuming because of how stretchy the fabric was.


And from the other side it looks nice and neat 😀 I added a bow at this point too.


Back on the controller it looked ok but I thought there was much too much black.


Easy fix though, in came the acrylic paint.


Several coats of white later it had a decent base.


I then used pink. Unfortunately I picked a glitter paint which left it texturised. Not my favorite look but it kind of worked. This paint was much too see through so ended up going over it with nail polish for a shiny finish too.


Face plate back on after it dried and then I added some more bows and things… just because 😀


To carry it off you really need the attitude though!


Hurray! So now I’m waaay cuter than James when we play! Unfortunately the girl character choices are limited… so my rock alter ego looks kind of like a hooker >_<


And I will totally use my looks against him to win mwahahaha! Take that James!!!


Guitar Hero Modifications Controller Make Over V1 Tartan

Guitar Hero! James is obsessed with it, he’s only had the PS3 since Christmas so he’s catching up on all the games he’s missed in the last few years including looking like a tool playing Guitar Hero 😀

But our controllers were second hand and had ugly Metalica stickers from their previous owner. Meh.

James requested a remake and I was happy to oblige!


First I removed the face plate and laid it out on the fabric face down.VioletLeBeaux-tartan-guitar-hero-modification-09_14587I cut around it leaving a few cm around the edges.VioletLeBeaux-tartan-guitar-hero-modification-13_14591

Next went all round the edge and snipped it around the edges every few cm. This was so I could glue it flat around the curves.


One by one I folded the flaps over and hot glued them in place.


This is how it ended up, nice and clean!


I used the same technique to cut out the holes in the middle.




Lastly I used fabric glue to add little metal findings and bits and pieces to make it a bit more punk-rockish ^_^


So did James like it?



Tomorrow you’ll get to see what I did with mine 😀

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