I started these Guitar Hero modifications months ago. I finished James’ one straight away because it was super easy and he’s really not picky XD
Mine took a lot more thinking through. I wanted it to be over the top, what’s the point of rocking out if you can’t do it turned up to 11?
So result?
And how did I do it?First up was the face place the same as James’.I removed it and covered it with some left over fabric from another project.
I hot glued all of the edges down and it was much more time consuming because of how stretchy the fabric was.
And from the other side it looks nice and neat 😀 I added a bow at this point too.
Back on the controller it looked ok but I thought there was much too much black.
Easy fix though, in came the acrylic paint.
Several coats of white later it had a decent base.
I then used pink. Unfortunately I picked a glitter paint which left it texturised. Not my favorite look but it kind of worked. This paint was much too see through so ended up going over it with nail polish for a shiny finish too.
Face plate back on after it dried and then I added some more bows and things… just because 😀
To carry it off you really need the attitude though!
Hurray! So now I’m waaay cuter than James when we play! Unfortunately the girl character choices are limited… so my rock alter ego looks kind of like a hooker >_<
And I will totally use my looks against him to win mwahahaha! Take that James!!! |