Michelle Phan and The Ocean Melbourne Snapshots

Ocean snapshots! Oh my gosh, these photos look so sunshiny but it was freezing XD It was the height of winter!



Tobias doing some filming!


We were filming an outfit video and some stuff for Celina.


James took the opportunity to get some very high fashion styled photos too, though I just looked like a tool XD IMG_0671

I think the rest of the photos kind of speak for themselves. Though make sure you repeat “OMG COLD” in your head while you view them!


finally found the photos from when we met Michelle Phan at the Lancome event too!


It was a really long time ago but the photos are still really pretty.


Celina’s phone is totally blinged out now too!


The event was a Myer’s fancy upstairs room and it was all done up with flowers and very lovely fittings.


I wonder if it’s fun seeing your face all over the posters and walls at events like this?


Again, Michelle was really lovely and answered all of our questions. Make sure you check out my video from the day if you haven’t already!

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Lastly here are some shots of us screwing around while waiting for an appointment. Because we’re classy like that 😀

This one is totally my iphone lock scene now XD


 Hope you guys had an awesome week too!

Learning About Miss Lottie… aka Puppy Photo Spam!

I think it’s time for some more Lottie photos 😀 😀 😀

I don’t want to be one of those people who posts nothing but photos of their dog/cat/baby/palmtree/fish but I can’t help it, she’s so freaking cute! Also, this post may be to say sorry for my inconsistency of being online/comment replies etc. It’s so distracting when you’re trying to work and she’s just SO cute!


We took some family photos last week to use for a Christmas craft I’m planning but she was so bouncy she didn’t want to sit still for them XD


I can’t believe what a personality she’s developed in the last few weeks. The change from the terrified little puppy to the cuddly, bouncy girl is amazing.

She loves following me around and “helping” with things. We made the bed together the other day.


James’ Mum bought her the most adorable travel bag and she went in an started sleeping right away!


She’s not allowed to walk yet because she’s 1 vaccination short but she can come around in the case so we’re trying to socialise her early!


She is so spoiled, Kim gave her a new bed too which was adorable!!


Total love for this!! She has so many aunties who love her XD


I decided to needle felt her name on the strawberry but she wouldn’t get out of it! I ended up letting her go to sleep and doing it while she was in there >_<


She loves to play rough with James, he’s totally happy to have someone who doesn’t yell at him for trying to tickle them!


She’s grown and her coat is begining to change, I can’t wait to see what she looks like when she totally blows her coat!


And she has the cutest little butt ever with her piggy tail.


Her ears are finally starting to pop up too so she looks more like her brothers.


She has the most FANTASTIC faces!


Above all she loves to nap. It can be hard to take photos when she’s awake because she loves running around so I have 50 billion of Sleeping Lottie 😀cute-pomeranian-puppy216

Things I’ve learned about Lottie:

  • She loves playing with yarn
  • She stretches like a cat
  • She may actually be some kind of sneaky cat in disguise
  • She learned toilet training much quicker than I thought she would!
  • She is actually really smart and she loves practicing her tricks. She knows sit, lay down, shake, roll over, come, fetch and she’s learning heel, go to your strawberry and dance.
  • She will chew ANYTHING.
  • She only hates to be by herself when she knows someone else is home. She’s fine if we’re out but if we’re just in the other room she desperately wants to come hang out.
  • She doesn’t care for this one specific ad on tv where a dog barks.
  • She used to HATE getting her feet wet but now she washes her paws in her bowl and cleans them XD


Such a poser!


I wish I could get a good shot of her sitting so you could see how cute her underchin is, her white tummy makes her look like a fox!


Also zomg I can’t believe there are REAL Scooby Snacks! The box even said “safe for humans but not recommended” mwahahaha! I want to make my own!


Did I mention she loves napping the in the weirdest positions?


The progression of the laziest dog in the world:


She makes a great foot warmer too 😀


She is so cuddly, in fact so much so that most of the photos I try to take like this:


…end up like this when she tries to lick my ears XD


So 3 weeks on, is having a puppy what I expected? After reading so many horror stories and being VERY prepared it’s actually a lot better than I thought. Lottie has brought so much awesomeness into our lives and I couldn’t be happier with her.


Both James and I couldn’t be happier and I am SO SO SO excited for her to have her next shots so we can finally go out walking and to parks with her! I want to take her to the Botanical Gardens and watch her discover grass XD

And now as lots of people have pointed out I have to change my bio to “wants a puppy is a house cat” to “has the best puppy in the world”!!

Family Visits – Melbourne Snapshots

It’s another family trip snapshot post today!

Aww James and his Mum! Hi if you’re reading this!


Some delicious pork from Kaneda.


We wandered around Myer trying to find everyone and while James was trying to give directions over the phone, I was more concerned with photos XD


While we were shopping for a jacket for James’ brother he spotted this mannequin who was in need of a belt.


Then we spotted these expensive pants which literally had a piece of rope as a belt… seriously. I guess they might have helped the mannequin.


This is my Dad getting to read my Bergamot book for the first time!


Bergamot on my phone looked on XD


Marionnettes like this creep me out.


I saw this snoring prevention device… it’s a stick with a glove to punch your partner in the face with!


We had lunch at a super cute little cafe. I’m a sucker for anything with flowers.



They made really nice crepes.


James tried out a racing game and he was doing really well until he crashed on the last lap (so he says…).VioletLeBeaux-Melbourne-Snapshot38_21120VioletLeBeaux-Melbourne-Snapshot42_21124

Now let’s get in some pretty architecture! This is the chandelier where Dad was staying.


The city is having a lot of construction at the moment but I find building sites quite beautiful too.


The Hyatt is possibly the ugliest building in the entire city, it’s bright gold, it reminds me of costume jewellery from the 1970’s.


This one kind of reminds me of a highway with lots of cars on it.




I feel like this restaurant wanted to be called “Kings of Thai” but that was taken so they just went with “Things of Thai” hahaha!VioletLeBeaux-Melbourne-Snapshot55_21137

This is the place that James’ family was staying, so pretty!


I told James and Kris to look cool and this was the best they could come up with, really?


That weekend I had the best cheesecake I’ve eaten in my entire life at Hopetoun. Normally their cakes have been kind of whatever but this cheesecake was so good, my mouth is actually watering again right now thinking about it.


I have to go now and dream about that cheesecake again.

Did you eat do anything good this week?


Zombie Nightmare Halloween Snapshots!

So many things to post from this Zombie shoot we did with Fables in Fashion and Surfaced Studios! We recorded so many things that day! If you’re scared of zombies don’t keep reading, Celina is pretty scary!



James got a lot of photos.Zombie-Photoshoot255

Well he did a lot of something, maybe not taking photos XD


And he was a victim at one point!


Now some zombie goodness, say hello to Evil Celina!


Ok Evil, Cute Celina.


Tobias played the army commando for the day!


And I was a victim too, well my legs were X


Back to being eeeevil!


She looks like she’s going to eat me XD


We did a lot of takes so each of us could use something in the footage. I got a bunch of behind the scenes footage and an outfit video where Celina is chasing me!



Tobias brought his soft light boxes so I made use of them for some less zombie related camwhoring XD


And I got some better ones of Celina while she was there too XD


The wounds were really realistic, it was creepy as hell! I couldn’t look her in the eye for most of the day.


Back to camwhoring though…


Yeah that’s really pretty much it…


I can’t wait to start posting some of these videos! I saw the edits from the other guys and they look amazing! There will be quite a lot of Zombie stuff this week.


Poor James loves zombies but has nightmares though so he’s not allowed to look at my site this week XD

Melbourne Snapshots – Playing Pool

Let’s kick off today with some flowers 😀

When I have real window boxes not fake ones I’d love to fill them with these in lots of different colours. That would be so pretty!


I recieved this awesome care package from Glow! I looove it, especially the face masks, I’ve been using them like crazy to try and get my skin under control!


James’ family and my Dad came down to visit a while ago and I finally edited the photos from then.  I asked James’ aunt to take a photo for me but I forgot to turn on the stabilisation XD very pretty!


Inside had much better light!


We went to a bar for some snacks while the boys watched a football game. The place had the most beautiful stained glass windows!


The inside was so pretty! I think it might have also been a hotel.


We did some online window shopping while we were waiting XD This is James’ aunt Mary.


The snacks were really yummy!


The bar tended made me a mocktail, he was so sweet. When we told him how yummy they were he was all “That’s what I do!” XD


Very fancy 3 layer hot chocolates too!


The next day I spotted this old car, this photo would have been so much cooler if it didn’t have the pole in the way >_<


I had a massive macaron, it was covered in edible gold glitter!


I gave my Dad some presents for his next door neighbour, one of my youngest fans back in Brisbane 😀


We were book shopping and this was pretty funny, I think maybe someone misplaced the psychology books XD


Late one night we went and played some pool with James’ brother.


Well they played pool and I cheered.


Well I played one game but I cheated so badly won by such a large margin that I decided to let them play.


It really wasn’t the most serious game ever XD


We had dinner at an Italian restaurant out in Carlton and they had this really cool tree lamp installation thing! I’m sure I could do that in my living room XD


Delicious haloumi cheese, ah so good. I have a serious love for cheese.


I tried gnocci for the first time but it wasn’t very good. Not sure if I just didn’t like the texture or because it wasn’t that great or if I actually don’t like gnocci so I’ll have to try it somewhere else and see!


What did you guys get up to this week?

Meet Our New Pomeranian Puppy: Lottie

This is going to be a long post but also probably the best thing I’ve ever written so hang in there!

I’ve spoken about James and my search for a puppy before… quite a lot actually… but today I finally have something good to report!

I’d like to introduce you all to the reason I’ve been away from the blog for a little bit, the new addition to our family:

Miss Lottie the Pomeranian!


I’ve wanted a dog for as long as I can remember but one thing or another always prevented me from adopting until a few months ago when our landlord finally gave us permission to bring a small dog in. After jumping through some a lot hoops with the real estate agent, body corp and landlord we were given the all clear and it was such a fantastic day!

And then the hard part began. I had assumed that actually being able to HAVE a dog would be the hard part but it turned out in our case that finding the RIGHT dog was actually the hard part. We had some ideas on breeds so James and I did a lot of research together to find a friend which suited our apartment and lifestyle.

We looked for a very long time. We scoured newspapers, websites, breeders, rescue organisations and shelters. When I say scoured, I mean I refreshed websites a ridiculous number of times a day, we visited shelters and called places daily.

I also watched WAAAAAAAY too many Cesar Milan episodes XD

This went on for months without finding the right dog for us. There were a lot of dogs but either they didn’t match our lifestyle, budget or living space. It was one of the most depressing experiences ever, every time something promising would come up our hopes were dashed at the last minute. Several times we were literally putting our jackets on to go pick a puppy up when we were told they had been sold out from under us.

It got to the point where I had given up looking because it was making me too sad. James kept looking though and one day on one of his sites this face and her two brothers came up:


It was around 10 at night and we’d had bad luck contacting people through this site before but James texted anyway. The owner replied we could come look at her after 5pm the next day. The place was 45minutes away so I frantically texted Celina and Kim to see if anyone could drive us. Not having a car really sucks sometimes but luckily Kim was free!

The next day we texted in the morning just to make sure she was still there (seriously it happened several times!) and the owner now said someone was coming earlier than 5pm to get her but if we could get there first she was ours.



I refused to get my hopes up again just in case.

We ran out to get supplies while again frantically texting Kim to see if she could come earlier. The travel cases I was planning on eventually buying were sold out so I had to settle for a plastic tray >_< It was pouring rain and we got completely soaked running to meet Kim. It turned out that was the day before the football finals and there was a parade going through the city blocking off several streets. 10 blocks sprinted in the rain later we made it to the car!

James called the people once more to let them know we were on the way and they said they were at home and wished us luck. They also offered to pick us up from the train station if we couldn’t get a ride which was very sweet!

So fast forward a 45minute car ride in which the GPS wouldn’t find the stupid street and we got slightly lost and we arrived!

I walked in the house and saw the 3 most beautiful puppies I’d ever seen. Two boys and one little girl. I spoke to the owners, saw photos of the parents and played with them for a while. She was the quietest and had the nicest temperament of the three, she was beautiful.

I had always wanted a girl  even though she was a bit over budget my choice was clear!


I went through the emotional roller coaster of having given up on getting a puppy to having the perfect puppy in our house in 15 hours.

The new addition came straight back into the car with us and into her… plastic tray with blankets XD


She was pretty scared and sad looking but she went straight to sleep on my lap.


45 minutes back and was introduced to her new home.


She was so timid, it took her a long time to get out of her tray.


when she finally did come out she went straight under the couch XD


Eventually she warmed up to us a little and found her feet. It took us all night (and a list of crossed out suggestions) but we named her Lottie. Lottie after a candy bar, a hotel and a character in the first book James and I read together. She totally looked like a Lottie.


Now Miss Lottie is much more bold!


She loves kisses and cuddles:


She loves napping, everywhere except her bed:


Especially in weird positions:


But she looooves cuddles.


She’s quiet and very smart for an 8 week old puppy.


Well she’s smart sometimes…


She’s not too sure about her harness yet… (she’s not allowed out on walks until she’s had all her shots but we’re taking “walks” around the house so she gets used to it)


Or her travel cage… which we did eventually find.


She didn’t like her first trip to the vet. Even if she was too small to microchip, she was big enough for her first vaccination XD The vets thought she was so cute they all came in to visit her while she was being weighed.


And she definitely didn’t like her first bath.


She has a cute little fox like face and her cream coat has white parts and a white chin, she’s totally a fluffy little fox.


It took her around 24 hours to claim her spot on my lap.


She even likes to blog with me!


It’s hard to take photos of her, she’s not good at camwhoring yet, most of them look like this XD


There are SO many more photos I want to post of her but I think this might already be pushing the limits of non-owner photo love XD


But seriously, she’s the cutest dog I’ve ever seen and I am completely in love with her.


She’s SO fluffy!




James welcomed her into the family by performing The Lion King… she wasn’t so impressed XD


But anyway before I get distracted by the photos again I just wanted to tell you guys how happy we are.


Thank you SO much for all of your messages. Thank you for all your stories about your dogs. Thank you for cheering me up when I was sad about this and THANK YOU FOR READING!


I hope you all love Lottie just as much as we do.


She’ll probably be on the blog quite a bit so I hope you love this face as much as I do. Videos are  totally coming soon too!


You’ll get to see her grow up with us and I know she’s going to be an amazing dog when she’s grown up.


Thank you all again… I have to go play with my puppy now!!!!!!!!!! <- Yes those exclamation marks are totally needed because I’m that excited.

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