Short Nail Growth Progress

So it’s been just over 2 months since I started growing out my nails and has there been any progress? There has!

Here are some progress shots along the way!


Honestly this time has been a lot easier than it was last time. I think last time I focused on the growing part and obsessed about it. As a result I had really nice nails but it seemed like it took forever to get them to a decent length and I was doing a different nail art designe very few days so it took up a lot of time.


This time I didn’t have time for that at all. I barely managed to paint them let alone do nail art. Having Lottie really helped to take my mind of it as well as all of the crafting and sewing I’ve been doing for Home Sweet Home.  I think that’s been the key, rather than thinking about biting my nails I replaced the habit with something a lot more constructive: making things and getting the rest of my life on track.

Of course I didn’t manage to grown my nails as long as James’ epic guitar thumbnail. I don’t know if I’ll ever be a pro like him XD


Seriously, I don’t know how he does it and manages to keep it so strong!


This was around two weeks ago:


And now:


This was the length that I was aiming for and in 2 months I achieved it! Goals for the win!


Of course they look a bit more impressive painted. I did this Lady Rainicorn nail art from Adventure Time for Halloween. Tutorial coming soon!!!


Now if I can get them even longer it’s just a bonus. I’m going to grow them for a few more weeks and see if I can maintain that length. Not sure how I’ll deal with it if there’s a breakage, I might file them all back then and start from scratch.


Either way I’m happy to have reached a goal. I think I’ve finally kicked my nail biting habit which is even better!

For those of you who were doing this with me, how have you gone with your goals? Are your nails nice and healthy?

Dame Edna and Elephants. It’s a weird week. Melbourne Snapshots

I think this is my last lot of snapshots from when it was still cold XD It takes me quite a while to actually get these up because I take so many photos *guilty*

James has been obsessed with looking through real estate books lately. He really wants to buy an apartment soon so we’ve started thinking about it more seriously again. Now we have Lottie the house is next on our long term goals now!


I posed with Statue Dame Edna in Docklands. I don’t know if I’m classy enough to stand next to her though haha.VioletLeBeauxMelbourne-Snapshot-576_20033

They had live ice statue carving there too! They were just finishing when I got there. The lion was pretty cool though!


Love the view back into the city from Costco.


Over the last few months the Zoo has been celebrating their birthday so they got artists to paint 50 versions of their baby elephant.


We’ve been trying to spot as many as possible.


Also apparently this one stole James’ hat… yeah. -_-‘


Clearly these elephants were extremely amusing!


And books! This is apparently the face that I make when thinking about books.


And lastly this building looked really cool because it’s so reflective that you can see the sky and the other buildings.


It’s been a weird week XD I hope you all had a good one!

Adventure Time Costumes and Halloween Decorations

Halloween!! This is the first year we’ve ever decorated our house. And the first year I’ve put much effort into my costume. Halloween is getting more popular in Aus though we still didn’t have any trick or treaters.

We decided to do a family theme of Adventure Time! I was Princess Bubblegum, James was Finn and Lottie was Jake because I didn’t want to put her in her witch costume for very long.


We didn’t do much for our costumes, most of it we already had but I made James’ hood and my crown.


I coloured my hair pink for the night using some pastels, I’ll show you how I did it in an upcoming video.


Very happy with the costumes! I kind of wanted to change outfits into her other ones throughout the night XD


James made a very good Finn, I think they are the same mental age XD


He couldn’t find a sword so he borrowed Lottie’s broom. I made his hat in around 10 minutes by hot gluing some polar fleece together and his backpack is a green pillow with tape for straps XD Super dodgy!


Now on to the spoooky decorations we had XD

Personally I hate fake spider web but it’s a staple of Halloween so I covered all of the windows in it.


The lounge area had a flock of bats flying out the window, you can’t see very well but on the corner they actually come off the wall on wires.


We had skull candle holders and Autumn leaves everywhere.


The most important part: candy table 😀


The real food table and more Autumn leaves.


My new message board (tutorial soon) was covered with a black cat, spider web and even more Autumn leaves. I really like Autumn leaves.Adventure-Time-Halloween-Costume-Cosplay860

So much so that the same was put on the kitchen cupboards.


I made some very quick custom goblets too, these plastic cups were $3 at Big W.


All it took was a bit of acrylic paint and a small paintbrush.


A few coats and they were done.


Easy, effective and after the night they just wash clean. Make sure not to get the outside wet during the party though or else you’ll have bats coming off on your fingers XD


And a bonus shot of James being measured for his hood. Classy! Maybe I should have kept it that way…


What did you guys do for Halloween? Did you get dressed up?

The Tale of Bergamot Bunny Book Available Free in iBooks!

Morning everyone!

Just a quick note today to let you all know that The Tale Of Bergamot Bunny book is officially available in the iTunes Book Store!


If you have an ipad follow the link below to go to the ibooks store and download it for free!

View The Tale of Bergamot Bunny in iTunes!

I’ll be making updates about the hardcover version next week along with updates to the Bergamot Shop for the holiday season 😀 If you have any requests in the mean time make sure to let me know!

Melbourne Snapshots Delicious Foods

I’ve been doing a lot of home projects lately.


But that doesn’t mean I don’t have time for Chatime breaks! I think our house needs this gigantic bubble tea. It would add to the ambience.


I want to name my bin and make it cute like this too!


James learned how to make Key Lime Fudge, omg best thing ever!


The recipe is so basic that you can make pretty much any flavor fudge too! I’ll have to post about it properly soon.


James’ Mum and brother Kris.


The MASSIVE bento I had. Uuugh why do I write these posts before dinner? So hungry again!


We had a craft day with Kim recently and god a lot of not much done XD


But we had delicious buttermilk chicken.


And pancakes! They are so delicious and so cute with their little penguin tummies to hold the syrup.


James played around with her pinhole lens on my camera.


It made everything looks so vintage.


I really like this photo of James, it looks so candid.


It was such a nice relaxing day, we read magazines and actually did nothing for once!


Dinner that night was some of the best Japanese food I’d had. I love tofu. I know it’s weird but I just love it XD


I found this photo from when we were still puppy hunting too, she was the most beautiful dog from a shelter but she was too big for our house, had to be taken with her sister and not available yet 🙁 She was absolutely beautiful though!


I hope she found a wonderful home though and maybe one day Lottie will need a sister!

Have you guys gotten much done this week? I’m still spending a lot of my time training and playing with Lottie, she’s so beautiful!

Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween everyone!

We’re still making all of our decorations and things because we’re not doing anything until Friday night but I couldn’t wait to show this 😀 😀 😀

Of course that’s how it goes down in my fantasy world. Realistically this is what actually happened:


Hope you all have a wonderful night and I can’t wait to see what you all get up to!

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