Jingly Pearl And Gold Bracelet Take 2 – Tutorial

My obsession with pearls and gold chain continues today with another bracelet. This version is much more jingly so people will hear you coming ^_^


You will need:

  • Chain
  • Pearls
  • Clasps
  • Wire or thread


To begin with, cut a piece of wire around twice the size of your wrist and attach a clasp to one end of it. Make sure it’s nice and secure because it will be the weakest part of the bracelet.


Slide the end of the chain onto the wire, then a pearl and then the chain again a little further down. You can vary the amount of chain you leave between pearls for different effects, I chose to thread it every 10 links.


Continue alternating between pearls and chain until it’s as long as you want it to be.


Once you reach the end just tie off the wire, attach the other part of the clasp and then snip the extra wire.



Such an easy bracelet to make but it’s so effective and looks really expensive!



What do you guys think?


I love it! Now I’m thinking of perhaps making a matching necklace too!


DIY Chain and Pearl Bracelet – Tutorial

I’ve been wearing a lot of gold jewellery lately. I’ve always been a silver girl but for some reason I’ve been so drawn to gold chains. Gold and pearls.


I actually prefer to make my own jewellery because I find it hard to get things from stores that fit my wrists without just slipping off. Having a bangle fly off and hit someone in the face while you’re gesturing wildly while having a conversation isn’t something that you really want to repeat…

So anyway…. let’s make a pearl and gold chain bracelet today!

You will need:

  • Chain
  • Pearls
  • Thin wire
  • Clasps


Cut a length of chain which can wrap around your wrist.

Lay out the chain and the pearls, you want to place a pearl in every second chain.



Add clasps to the end of the chain.

Now let’s start with the pearls. Tie your thin wire securely to one end of the chain.


Thread a pearl on the wire and then thread the wire back down through the chain.



Weave the wire through the chain again so it’s under the next link, then when you go up again add another pearl. There should be a pearl on every second link.


Continue down the chain until you run out and then tie the wire off securely.





And now you’ve got an adorable bracelet which actually fits well!


This also looks perfect stacked with a bunch of other bracelets!


How To Tie A Silk Scarf Into A Rose

Quite some time ago I posted  about this silk scarf that I had made to wear as a rose on my bag. A lot of the comments asked how to tie it in the rose shape so here we go!



First, you need to actually tie it around something, when I’m putting it on my bag I use the handle but in this tutorial I’m using a lamp because it was the right height. You could also do this using your hair as the part to tie it to or anything really.

So start by grabbing one corner of the scarf.


Tie it in a knot around your item leaving the corner hanging out to form a leaf. This will be tied one more time at the end so make the leaf a little longer than you want the end result to be.


Take the rest of the scarf and twist it fairly tightly.


Wrap it around the centre knot to form a spiral.


When you have wrapped most of it and only have a little left, tie the end in a knot with the first leaf you made so it forms the second leaf.

All done!


But how does this work on a scarf which wasn’t specifically designed to be the colours of a flower?


Again start with the corner.


Tie in a knot around the bag handle/hair/whatever



Twist the end.


Twist into a spiral to form the rose. This scarf was huge so I had to twist it tightly in the middle and a little looser to make a nice rose.


Looser towards the ends.


And knot the ends together so it stays in place.


Rose done! It still looks really cute! This style works the best with scarves that are one colour along the edges and one in the middle as it forms the leaves better but plain or patterned silk scarves still looks great.


There you have it! You could also use this to decorate gifts, for example if you are giving someone a bottle of something you could tie a scarf to the neck and now it’s two gifts in one!


Let me know if you give it a try and what you wear it on!


More Adventures In Silk Painting!

Remember how excited and obsessed with silk painting I was? It hasn’t gone away. The difference is now I have actual silk paints!



I even made myself a silk painting frame!


So annoying to use because of the size, and kind of dangerous with all of these creepy hooks that I made… but also so useful!



But what have I been doing with it? Well first stop was I’ve been making presents for lots of people! I decided this year to give most of my friends personalised silk scarves.



This one was for Kim who likes subtle things and simplicity.


This one was for Vanessa who is the most colourful person I know and who loves animals.


This one is a work in progress for Christina who was having a bad week at the time and needed something bright to cheer her up. I used salt to make really pretty patterns inside the stripes.


This one is also a work in progress for Celina. You can’t really see the design because at this point I hadn’t washed out the gutta or done much layering. If she lets me I’ll show you the finished design!


This is one I made for myself. When it’s unfurled the design is pretty crap but when it’s all tied up, it makes the perfect rose for one of my handbags!


I made this one with Sharpies.


And this last one I was a gift for my Mum.


This was the first one I did with the actual silk paint.


So overall, silk painting is the best thing ever and I want to do so many of them! Different sizes and designs and all kinds of things! Endless possibilities!


I need to calm down a bit and plan out some designs… I’m just so excited about it all! I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about a craft before, wearable art for the win!


Happy Billy Idol Day!

We are taking a much needed day off today to celebrate Billy Idol Day 😀 There were lots of requests from new readers for me to explain why we celebrate Billy Idol Day so I will include that in tomorrow’s vlog, it’s too hot to do anything other than lay in front of the fan today!

No matter whether you celebrate anything or not, I hope you are having an awesome day and thank you for reading this year!

New Crafting Desk- Home Sweet Home

I finally cleaned up and organised my crafting area so now I have a really pretty space!

I covered the table in contact that was left over from the kitchen.


I’m going to do something about those lights too because I don’t think I need them anymore.





I took the large mirror from the bathroom and painted it white too. I also got rid of the lampshades, instead I stapled paper into tubes to diffuse the light more.


I covered the craft shelves in decoupage using the same paper as my bedroom door and I bought some more storage boxes from Daiso. I think I want to get rid of some of the little shelves there but not sure the best way to do it. Maybe at least covering them with white paper would be better. Not sure!


So it’s starting to come along! There are still things that need to change like the mini shelves, the yarn box and the fact that I have far too many supplies for the space they’re in >_< But yay progress anyway!


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