How To Cover A Tray For Cute Photography – Tutorial

Recently I’ve been looking for better backdrops to be able to take craft/food/whatever photos on and while digging through a cupboard I found a tea tray that I bought when we first moved here. Unfortunately it wasn’t a colour or design that would work well with the things I usually make so I set about prettying it up a bit.

This is the finished product:


You need:

  • Tray
  • Fabric
  • Paper
  • PVA glue
  • Hot glue gun

I started with a basic try from an Asian grocery store. I bought this one because I liked the bunnies.


Next I covered it in white paper and glued that down with the PVA glue. I didn’t do a particularly neat job because this was going to be covered in the next step.


Once it was dry I cut out enough fabric to completely cover it. The fabric I chose was a loose knit so I had more leeway when stretching and moving it around to fit.


I used hot glue and glue it into the corner of the lip of the tray.


Looking better!


Then I folded the extra around the edge and glued it to the bottom. As this was such a loose weave it was easy to mould it around where I needed it to fit the circular design.Photography-display-tray-DIY30326

And that’s really it!


It really didn’t take very long at all and it’s been a really great background for food photos and macro shots of things! I like this fabric because it’s an interesting pattern but it doesn’t take the focus away from an object, it just add some texture.




I think I will make some other photography props, let me know what you think!

DIY Fly Screens For Renters – Home Sweet Home

Ugh I’ve been meaning to do this home improvement since we moved in here three and a half years ago. Removable fly screens! We have 3 windows, one of them is floor to ceiling so I can’t do much about that but the smaller ones are just push outs. The building is from the 1920’s and has very little maintenance done so nothing is in very good repair anymore. We rent so I’m limited on what I can do to fix problems like the large number of flies Melbourne has in Summer.

I discovered by accident that our windows are actually very heavy metal which has been painted white so I set about making a screen which I could keep in place with magnets.



You need:

  • Mesh/tulle
  • Lace for the border if you want
  • Magnets

It’s really simple actually which makes me annoyed that it took me so long to get around to doing this.



Cut out a piece of tulle which is larger than the window.



Edge it with lace either by using hot glue or sewing.


Try to get “helpful” dog to stop laying on it.



Attach to window with the magnets in each corner.


Enjoy not having flies inside your house this Summer!!


It catches the light in these photos like crazy but normally you can even tell it’s there because I picked such a light colour.


Do you guys have any tips for what else to do with rental properties?


DIY Painted Purse Make Over – Tutorial

Today’s craft is a mini purse make over. I wanted a little bag to take in my purse while we were traveling but nothing I had really went with the other stuff I was taking so I decided to give this bag a last minute make over. Why I always decide to do these things right before we leave I just don’t know… but yay for the end result anyway?



This was the old version. It used to have a deco Hello Kitty face on it but that fell off quite some time ago… quality craftsmanship!


First I painted it white using acrylic paint.



Then I painted it pink using some fabric paint I had left over from another project.



Lastly I cut out the old zips and added in my own zip. It wasn’t quite long enough so I used ribbon to disguise the gap.



Bam! Way cuter.


Probably not the smartest way to spend the day before you are supposed to leave on holidays but you know, I’m not that great at relaxing anyway.



Now that I know this method works I’m eyeing off some other old cosmetic bags I have…

The Grand Embroidery Project

Have you ever done a craft that you just wish would END so you could never look at it ever again? That’s how I feel about this embroidery.



The saga of this embroidery started years ago. YEARS.I bought this bag from a junk store on sale for $0.50. See how old this photo is?? SO OLD.

VioletLeBeauxP1040393_340 copy


I pulled the clippy part out and came up with the bright idea that I would make my own cute clippy bag/purse/whatever. After seeing some embroidery in a magazine I was like “Hell yeah! I can totally do an entire purse! That doesn’t sound like the longest project ever does it? I won’t regret this at all!”




It’s so long that I don’t even know what happened to the progress photos.

Anyway I free handed some roses. Then I filled in the background with white and pink stripes. I bought the thread from Daiso and then they stopped stocking it so I had to compare like 50 shades of pink at Lincraft to find the closest one.



About half way through this project I realised that I hadn’t thought of a use for the bag and it was really too small to use for anything particularly practical. Yay?


But out of stubbornness I persevered.


Really the only reason I finished this project is because I was so annoyed at myself for starting something so time consuming I didn’t want to be a baby and quit!


The roses are totally pretty anyway.


So I finally finished it and went about turning it into a purse…


I cut out some green lining.


Stitched the sides together.


Put it all together…



Then I realised that that the clippy thing… was made of metal too hard for my pliers to reopen. ARGH! SO CLOSE TO IT BEING OVER!


So off we trekked to Lincraft again. Clip tops were all over $10. Spending like $15 on a purse that I was finishing out of spite that I was probably never going to use? I admitted I was just being stubborn and passed to save the money. Instead I found some cute frames at Daiso and bought them instead…


And so the saga of Violet’s Over Ambitious Embroidery Project came to an end with a pair of scissors and some maniacal laughter as I cut up the thing I’d worked for several years on…


It’s done. It looks pretty. It makes a good addition to the decor in the bedroom.


Now let’s never speak of this again >_>


How To Make A Chain And Pearl Necklace – Tutorial

I go through phases of obsession with particular styles and at the moment the obsession is gold. Particularly chain and especially so if paired with pearls. I don’t have much gold jewellery so I set about making myself something which was dangly and could be worn a whole lot of difference ways so I didn’t need to clutter my already way over full jewellery area.

This is what I ended up with:


You need:

  • Chain
  • Pearls
  • Jump rings
  • Crimps
  • Wire bead hooks (not sure of the actual name)
  • Various jewellery findings
  • Pliers


Cut a long length of wire. I cut mine to be able to wrap around my neck just over 3 times.


Add a clasp to the ends so you can easily take it on and off. I prefer lobster clasps.

Work out how many pearls you want to attach and put each one on one of those wire findings which has a loop on each end. I don’t know what they’re called but see the photo!



Attach the pearls with jump rings evenly along the length of the chain. I also attached other jump rings with little spring findings between them.


I wanted mine to be super dangly so I also added another jump ring to the other end of each pearl.


Then just decide how full you want it to be and keep adding pearls, jump rings and findings randomly until it looks right.




At this length you can wear it in a single, double or triple wrap necklace. You can also use it as a bracelet.


Or as a decoration for a handbag!



The possibilities are endless, you could easily thread it through your hair, use as a belt or use as a headband as well. Having the base as a chain and a lobster claw clasp means you can clip it to any length.

My current favourite is just as a nice long necklace!


Hope you enjoyed and let me know if you give it a try!


How To Plant An Awesome Window Box Garden – Home Sweet Home

Well Home Sweet Home continues! Definitely not as fast as it was in the beginning of the year but we completed our next big project: Home Sweet Home garden!


James and I had toyed with the idea of making window boxes and growing flowers and herbs in small pots for a few years but we were always turned off by the cost and the fact that I have a track record of killing everything green I touch. I even made us a fake window box so we could enjoy the idea of flowers without the effort. That window box was awesome and other than being a little bit dirty, it was exactly the same a year later as when I put it out there. Winner!Diy-Window-Box20568

Anyway, off we went to The Reject Shop and Daiso and way over-bought on supplies. We didn’t end up having enough potting mix so we did a second trip and bought a lot more tiny pots too. I can’t say no to cute pots!



Basically all you really need for this project is potting mix, a window box and seeds but James was really into it so we also bought a lot of matching accessories etc too. It was a really fun way to spend an afternoon putting it all together!



We began with a pre packaged strawberry kit.


The basic premise is the same for all of them:

1. Line the bottom of the pots with empty tea bags so dirt doesn’t fall out of the holes. (Not necessary if you don’t live in an apartment.)

2. Fill the pot with potting mix.

3. Add fertiliser. We used Blood and Bone which sounds super gross but is apparently very good for plants. Eww.

4. Mix the fertiliser through the top 5cm and wet the dirt the appropriate amount for the particular seeds. It should say on the back of the packet how wet they need to be.



5. Sprinkle the seeds in and poke them down into the dirt. Seeds need to be under at different depths depending on the plant so refer to your packet again for this.



That particular one was a big strawberry making kit. I don’t suggest growing strawberries, they take FOREVER and are really fussy. Ours still haven’t even sprouted so I’m considering just replacing them with some other pre-grown plants from Bunnings. I did that once when we were living in Brisbane, but they may or may not have died due to neglect… Then James brought them back to life! But then I killed them again. I’m so glad Lottie asks for food and water and doesn’t just sit there and die like a stupid strawberry plant.




Before we started filling  the big window box, James poked holes through the plastic so we could put the hooks in. You can just place the box on the hooks but seeing as we’re very high up I wanted to be extra sure it wasn’t going to fall on someone below.




If you’re going to try this out make sure to buy potting mix not just regular dirt as it apparently is blended for use with potted plants rather than just outside plants.


Lottie wanted to help put the dirt into the big one. I’m just imagining her thinking “OMG our house smells like outside!”.


We picked out the plants to put in the big window box alternating between herbs/food and flowers. The smaller other window boxes are both also flowers and then all of the little pots inside are a mix of all the left over seeds.


Lottie has been really into the garden in general actually, she likes to sit and stare at them at the window. Sometimes there are a few little flies around them which she chases too, it’s so cute.


Then it was just a matter of actually planting them!


And of course giving them the first drink of water.



I used MT Tape and some blank name plates from Daiso to make little signs for each pot.


After that was all done we hung the big boxes off the balcony.


And I put the white fencing back up again.


We left all of the inside pots next to the window so they could get some sun and fresh air easily.





It was just a matter of waiting then… I really hate waiting. During the wait I regretted buying seeds and wished I had just bought actual plants and repotted them >_>

First to sprout was the radish.



Then chives…







And everything else followed soon after!



Almost all of them have sprouted now, we’re just waiting on Lemon Balm, Snapdragons, Chilli, Strawberries and Swan River Daisies. All of those ones have much longer germinations times though and the wait is killing me!


The Coriander is the tallest out of everything at the moment, it looks like a mini forest!


My personal favorite is the radish though and it’s the quickest to grow, the entire area is covered now!



We’re waiting for the little pots to grow big enough that they can be put all around the apartment and really brighten things up.


I love waking up and seeing the progress that all of the plants have made! I think it will be really exciting once they get big enough to cook with!


So there you go! We haven’t killed anything yet and it’s definitely providing a lot of entertainment! Have you guys ever grown a garden? What did you grow? What else should we put in ours?

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