Pink Remake Of My Eyelash Holder – Home Sweet Home

Sometimes these Home Sweet Home projects really only need a little updating to make them work. With that in mind I remade my old eyelash holder, check out the original tutorial here.



So after a good few years my eyelash storage solution was looking a little worse for wear. It really needed the tape replaced but I figured that I would give it a completely update while I was here anyway.


While I was at it I did some very much needed maintenance and cleaned/sorted/chucked my old lashes.


The new version was done in the same paper that my doors are covered in with light eyelet lace.


I filmed doing it so if I’ve edited it by the time this goes live I’ll include the video here too ^_^


It’s amazing how much a little change like this brightens up the room though!


Sometimes ideas are good the way they are, they just need a little update to perfect them for a new space 😀

How To Make A Tulle Tutu

Today I made a tulle tutu style skirt 😀


There are two variations with this because you can either just have one which ties over a skirt you have or you can do like I did and actually stitch it on.


You need:

  • Tulle (the soft kind, not the hard netting)
  • Ribbon
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors
  • Skirt for a base if you want one
I decided to use this plain skirt as a base because I never really wore it anyway.


Cut a piece of ribbon which is long enough to wrap around the skirt’s waist (or your own if you’re not going to use a base) and then tie into a cute bow.


Lay out the tulle and cut it into strips that are around 15cm wide and 2.5 times as long as your skirt. Cut out a heap of these strips.


Take the first strip folded in half like this over the ribbon.


Pull the ends of the tullearound the ribbon and through the folded part so they go through the loop. Pull it tight and the tulle should be like this with the ribbon running through the middle…


Repeat with all of the strips of tulle.


As you go you’ll see it forms a tutu with an interesting top area. If you pull the knots tight you can fit more tulle and make a fuller skirt. I didn’t have much tulle so I left them fairly loose.


Once you’re done it’s time to decide if you just want to tie it around your waist like this or if you want to actually attach it to the skirt. I decided to attach it to the skirt so I lined the ribbon up and found where the middle was.


Then I used a needle and thread to stitch them in place.


My skirt had a side zip so I made sure to leave a gap for that and stitch the ribbon either side of it. Then I tied the bow at the front.


So then what I had was this:


Obviously depending on the look you’re going for you could just leave the hanging parts uneven like this. I wanted a more traditional shape though so I snipped them evenly.




And here it is worn!


I love pink, white and black combination!


This is the kind of skirt which can be styled in pretty much any way, they look great with most styles.


What do you guys think? I need an excuse to wear it out now!

How To Make Rock Style Bow Stockings

Do you guys ever have cool ideas while you’re dreaming? It’s so weird but sometimes I actually wake up from half a dream and it’s given me an idea for a project!

That’s how I came to the idea of doing these stockings anyway!


They’re really rock styled but I love them and depending on the stockings you use and the colours you could do so many other versions for different styles!


So let’s get started!

You need:

  • Thick stockings
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Pins


You need some stockings to start with. The kind of stockings you use is very important, they need to have a very high denier and not be prone to running. The thicker the better!

Lay out the stockings flat on the floor.


Start by putting pins at even spaces down the side of the leg. The pins are where you will be cutting the bow shapes so make sure you have enough and space them as thick as you want the bows.


I did twice as many as shown in the photo for lots of bows.


Make small snips where the pins are. The longer the cuts are the more revealing the stockings will be. Remember that once they’re on your legs they tend to stretch so do less than you think you’ll need. You can always cut them bigger later but it’s harder to go backwards!


Now to make them into bow shapes. Take a piece of thread and push it through the first tab of the stockings.


Pull it tight and tie it in a knot. The tab will crumple up like a bow. If you want them to be exactly perfect you can pleat and stitch each one but that will take a very long time and really looks pretty much the same in the finished project.


Tie the thread tightly and knot it off. Cut any loose edges and you should have something like this:


Keep oing until you’ve done them all.


When the stocking is flattened out it should look like this:


If you are concerned about fraying and ladders a quick fit is to dot a tiny bit of clear nail polish at the corners where the ends of the cuts are. This will dry unnoticeable but will prevent anything from unraveling.


Try them on to make sure they fit and make the snips bigger if you want to!


When you’re all finished put them on and enjoy!


This is such a different style than I’m used to but it’s so much fun!


I think at the moment my casual style is leaning towards back and rockish.


While my dressy style is much more princessy.


Either way these were really easy to make and I look forward to trying some more different things to do with stockings soon!

Curly Pigtails with Lots of Volume Hairstyle Tutorial

Just a quick tutorial on how to do a big fluffy pigtails. It looks almost anime styled ^_^ .



A blog and Youtube channel about a girl and her quest to make everything sparkle. New craft, hair and beauty tutorials every week!

Violet LeBeaux spends most of her time trying to think of ways to make life prettier, posting said ways on her blog and drinking very strong tea. She writes about big hair cute things, girly fashion, beauty finds, sometimes Hime Gyaru fashion (姫ギャル) and crafty tutorials.

She lives with her adorable boyfriend Jimmy, fluffy puppy Miss Lottie and Bergamot Bunny in Melbourne, Australia.


Music: Garageband unless otherwise credited

Curly Pigtails with Lots of Volume Hairstyle Tutorial Instructions.

I love pigtails but I like mine to have a lot of volume in them so here’s the method I use.
Two versions of pigtails!
Start by making to high pigtails.
Keep in mind that the finished product will be slightly higher than where you’re placing the bands.
Spray some heat protector through them.
Curl the ends of them in whatever method you like.
Just make sure the curls are all pointing in the same direction.
I’m using a mini hair straightener because that’s what I find easiest.
You can also do the same thing with hot rollers and pretty much anything else as long as the end results have them curling in the same direction.
Twist the curls together to form one big one.
You may need to brush through it to smooth things down.
Then twirl around your finger to regain the shape afterwards.
Flip the pigtail over your head.
Pin to the scalp just above the elastic band.
It might need a few pins to hold it in place.
And you want it to be really secure.
Flip it back over and fan out.
You can even add a small hair piece underneath the band to puff it out even more.
Repeat on the other side.
Curl, flip, pin, fluff.
If you need to you can tease the underside to stop it splitting over the pins.
This style always reminds me of manga characters.
For another version of this which is even more comicbook-ish twist the hair just above the curl.
And pin it right behind your ears.
It forms two buns with curls coming out under it,
Repeat on the other side too of course.
Definitely an out there kind of style but I think it’s pretty fun!
Having a curled fringe would look be really cute too.
I hope this was a useful video, please check out the blog post linked in the description for more information and other tutorials.
Thanks so much for watching!

Blinged Vaporub – Comfort For Being Sick

When I’m sick I tend to sulk a lot. I drink a lot of tea and sulk XD Sometimes you need something little to lift your spirits like something sparkly and pretty!


I usually use this Breathe Easy ointment from Perfect Potions to clear my nose and throat. I bought it for my hayfever when I was like 14 and have had it ever since. When I went to decorate it a bit I looked at the label for the first time…Glitter-Vaporub-233

It expired 6 years ago *________________*

Serious fail, I can’t believe I didn’t see that earlier or even think about it!!


Long story short I decided to keep the nice jar and fill it with some generic chest rub. I’ll have to find a Perfect Potions and rebuy one but now I’m too busy being depressed thinking about how long ago buying that was!!


To make your own glittery chest rub you need:

  • Bottle
  • Chest rub
  • Glitter
  • PVA Glue
  • Paper
First remove any labels and the sticky residue they leave.


Place the piece of paper on the table (makes clean up a lot easier!) and place a layer of glitter on it as wide as the bottle.


Cover the bottle with PVA glue.


Roll the bottle gently along the glitter.


Keep going until it’s covered.


Wipe off any stray pieces and leave it to dry. Once it’s one you can paint it with another layer of PVA to hold it all in or you can give it a very good brush off into the sink and hope for the best! You could also give it a blast with some non sticky hairspray to hold it in place, I used to do that with shimmer and glitter on drawings to hold them all in place ^_^


I added a little charm at the top too.


Now breathe easy and enjoy feeling slightly better!


Being sick really sucks so I hope none of your managed to catch anything during this cold season!

Black Chanel Style Cardigan Make Over

Dear Old Boring Black Cardigan With The Weird Sleeves That Make My Arms Look Dumb,

Please stop being so old and boring so I have more reason to wear you out.


Apparently writing letters to your clothing doesn’t actually work. Who knew?

So this is how I fixed that problem instead and turned Old Boring Black Cardigan into something which is a little more my style and a tiny bit Chanel inspired.


This is original old boring cardigan:DIY-Chanel-Style-Cardigan-VioletLeBeaux-0843You need:

  • Contrasting elastic
  • Needle/Thread/Sewing machine
  • Old boring cardigan

I thought about adding some other decorations but ended up sticking to something more classic.


First snip off all of the buttons.


Pin the elastic around the edge of the cardigan. Make sure to try it on so it all sits flat.


Stitch it in place along the side closest to the edge. I decided to just stitch the one edge so I could still use the button holes underneath. Fold the edges of the elastic over the bottom too so they are hidden.


Add two more strips of elastic horizontally like little fake pockets. Make sure to fold their edges over too so they’re not exposed.


Stitch in place. If you want you can stitch the buttons back in place too or just use a brooch to hold it closed. To fix the bunchy sleeve problem I re-hemmed the edges so they sat flat instead of being gathered.




Cute and much more interesting than Old Boring Black Cardigan. Now it’s Exciting Awesome Classic Cardigan.


Dear Violet,

THX for making me over LOL. I’m glad you actually take me out of the cupboard now, let’s be BFFs 😀 😀 😀


<3<3<3<3<3 Awesome Classic Cardigan<3<3<3<3<3


Now if I could just teach the cardigan that text speak isn’t appropriate to use in letters. Baby steps…

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