Sailor Moon Gumboots
As you guys saw last week, I did a really quick customisation of a pair of gumboots for our trip to the Peony Farm. If you’re going to wear gumboots, might as well go all out right?
I wanted to just buy some cute floral ones I had seen at Rivers ages ago but I left it too late and the only cute version I could find were hot pink from the kid’s section at Big W. Easily fixed though! For this I used:
The design is a really half-arsed version of Rini/Chibi Usa’s boots from Sailor Moon. I can’t see hot pink boots and not think of that! I chose to use elastic as the white section at the top because then I didn’t have to deal with cutting stuff on curves. Lazy for the win! So to get the shape of the front, I placed the ends of the elastic at right angles to each other and then folded the edge over and glued it in place.
I glued it on the front to hold in place so I could work out the curve part. To make the fake curve more obvious I glued it as close to the edge as possible. Once the front was dry it was just a matter of pulling the elastic tightly towards the back so it curved naturally. Fake curve hurrah! I then snipped off the extra elastic and folded the edge over. To make it a little more sturdy and a little less… ugly, I added some ribbon around the edge on the inside to cover it all up. Then it just needed some finishing touches: a gold crescent moon! I didn’t have anything gold big enough so I glued two pieces of ribbon together and cut a moon shape out. Easy! Glued them on the front and it was done. The whole thing took about 15 minutes. They might not be the most lady-like shoes ever but they were awesome for avoiding |