Silk Painting Technique Sampler!

Seeing as I’ve been doing some beginners watercolour posts lately I thought perhaps it would be fun to do something similar with silk painting techniques. So I made a silk sampler to try out a lot of different techniques.
I’m using Opulence silk dye for this post, it’s easy to use and fixes with an iron rather than steam. I’m using clear and black gutta as well. The clear washes out with water and the black is fixed.

I’m using a small Pongee pre-hemmed silk.
It’s very thin and a bit floaty. It was one of the cheaper weights and I think I prefer the expensive heavier weight looks but I haven’t been brave enough to paint on one yet because it’s more expensive and I’m scared of ruining it >_>
The silk is stretched on my frame so it’s tight and easier to work with.
To begin with I thought I would experiment and see if I could colour the clear gutta so it would leave behind a light stain when it was washed out.
For this I used a thin brush while applying.
It did look cute but didn’t take on much of the silk dye colour.
I then applied a design around the outside using the clear gutta applicator bottle to see the difference between brush and bottle tip.
Harder to see when it’s white on white but the application is thicker but more regulated.
The black gutta has a much thinner applicator.
And it was much thicker and therefore harder to control with a small paint brush.
I divided the rest of the silk up into sections that we could try different techniques in and left it to dry.
For the silk paint I used a larger brush.
This particular dye can be diluted and effected with water while the gutta acts as a barrier.
The first technique I tried was wetting the fabric first and then applying the dye. It gave a very light colour and it was harder to spread the dye as the fabric was already full of water.
I managed to go over the lines on the first damn one too >_>
You can see how much brighter and more even it is on dry fabric.
I then did a gradient effect on wet and dry fabric. The dry fabric was brighter but the wet fabric seemed like a smoother gradient.
Time to experiment with salt now! This is dry fabric with dye and then salt sprinkled on top. The salt sucks up the water and the dye moving it around to make interesting effects.
Once it’s totally dry it looks like this:
Salt on pre-wet fabric didn’t create as sharp an effect but it made more of a fluid pattern.
Close up of the salt on dry fabric:
Close up of salt on wet fabric:
In the top left square on wet fabric I painted a green base and then put little yellow spots. The bottom right was the same thing but on dry fabric. They look much of a muchness.
I then gave painting stripes a try. First on wet fabric where it was kind of successful.
Then on dry fabric where the dye just spread and blended into itself.
I blended red and purple together on wet fabric and the gradient was very smooth but the colours were dull.
Blending while wet looked much more vibrant but the blended area was lighter.
And that was the full sampler, so time to seal it and then wash it out and see how things turned out.
I sealed with an iron as usual.
Then washed the gutta out.
You can see all of the clear gutta has been removed and left clean white silk below it.
The gutta I tried to colour didn’t leave any colour behind so it’s back to the drawing board on that one.
Now here are some close ups of some of the different areas and techniques.
So, a fun way to give everything a try! I would definitely suggest doing one of these to test out techniques if you’re starting out with silk painting. It was good to see how the paint reacted to different surfaces and treatments. Now I can apply all of this experimenting to real painting later! Fun 😀
Hope you guys found this useful and let me know if you’re silk painting too, I’d love to be inspired by what you guys are up to!

White Hot Chocolate Recipe – Cute Food

Today let’s make something yummy and perfect for this time of year (in Aus anyway…) white hot chocolate!

For this recipe you will need:

  • White chocolate
  • Double cream
  • Milk
  • Milk frother is optional but awesome

Break up the white chocolate and put it in a microwave safe bowl. I used 8 piece because I loooove white chocolate.
Melt it in the microwave for 10 seconds at a time until it’s totally liquid.
Add in a large teaspoon of double cream.
Stir very vigorously until it’s smooth and it will become white chocolate ganache. Eat some… because it’s delicious!
Now let’s make it into a drink! I used my milk frother to make cappuccino foam.
The milk should be warm at this point too. If you don’t have a frother then just warm the milk on your stove or carefully in the microwave.
Put the white chocolate into your mug.
Pour in the milk a little at a time and stir until it’s combined.
Add the foam on top of that.
I was feeling fancy so I added some pink sprinkles too. That turned out to be a mistake as all they did was burst the foam and sink into the milk XD
Delicious and SO sweet!
Good luck not having cavities by the end of this one! I like to drink this with something salty and savoury like chips because it’s just that sweet. So good though!!
Hope you enjoyed the recipe and let me know if you give it a try!

How To Make You Own Needle Felt Lottie

When I get bored and have an excess of needle felting supplies, things like this happen…

To make you own needle felted Lottie you will need basic needle felting supplies and wool in creams, beiges, black and a little orangey red.
Make 3 sausagey legs and felt a crease to make the feet. These should be beige with extra cream on the foot part.
Make a body which looks like an egg. The chest area should be white and very proud looking while the back is beige. Attach the legs as well.
Add a white tail which is a ridiculous proportion to the body. It should be extra fluffy and highly decorative.
For the head use mostly beige with details in white. Lottie’s face looks like a fox so pointy snout, big eats and cheeks so fluffy they also seem highly decorative.
Attach the head to the body.
Lastly you need to add a face. A little brown nose is accurate but black is fine too. Don’t forget to put eyes on which absolutely beg you for the treats you’re holding.
Seriously Human, give me all of your bacon. I need it to live.
That sounds about right!
Real Lottie isn’t so sure about this though >_>
In fact she is highly uninterested.
And kind of insulted. Honestly, if she were going to beg it would be for tuna. Speaking of which… do you have any tuna… Lottie needs it to live >_>

Classic Plaited Updo Hairstyle Tutorial

Morning! Today’s hairstyle is a little more classic style and features a knitted headband that I made. You can easily make your own or just use another kind of headband.

Start with clean, brushed hair.

Split it into 3 sections, one either side and one at the back.
Put the back section into a ponytail.
Flip the ponytail through itself by poking your fingers through the band and pulling the tail through.
Plait the rest of the hair down and tie off.
Fluff the plait out with your fingers and flip it up to the top of your head. Pin it in place. If you have a long tail hanging across the front like I do don’t worry, it will be hidden under the headband later.
Move on to the first side and divide it into halves. Plait each half and repeat on the other side.
You should have 4 small plaits.
Place your headband on so it sits just behind the plaits. I think headbands which feature plaits look best with this style because they continue the theme. Poke any tails at the top under it so they are hidden.
Take the back plait on either side and wrap them around the front of your head. You can twist them together for a more interesting look too.
Pin the tails under the band.
Now take the front plaits and pull them backwards and around the other side.
Pin their tails under the hairband too. The back will end up something like this. Personally I think this style works best with darker, curly hair because the results have so much texture. It’s really easy to see my parts because of the colour of my hair and roots where as with darker hair you just get the cool patterns.
But there you go! Another hairstyle to add to your repertoire ^_^
Hope you enjoyed and let me know if you give it a try!

Easy Bow Back T-Shirt Surgery Tutorial

Depending on your side of the world, it’s warming up or cooling down. It’s cooling down here but I refuse to accept that and so I’m still making Summer clothes >_>

I had this big shirt that I bought from the thrift store laying around and while it was super comfy, it wasn’t super feminine so I decided it was time for a make over.


You need:

  • Shirt
  • Lace
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors


So step one is to cut a deeper neckline on the back. I cut a deep v neck and then hand stitched up the seam again.



Gather up the fabric right down the middle and stitch it together.


Wrap the gather in lace and stitch it in place.






Yay for make overs and t-shirt surgery. I am thinking of doing similar things with some of James’ old gigantic shirts.



Now it’s a little more feminine but still super comfortable and very airy for summer. Triple win!

Spring Decoden Moisturiser Case Project

Today is just a little decoden project! I did my moisturiser case 😀

This little thing of moisturiser was a gift from Mr and Mrs DinoSlippers a long time ago and it was such a convenient size that I just kept refilling it. After a while I thought I should decorate it and make it extremely pretty and impractical because I liked it so much haha!


I peeled off the labels and cleaned it up.


I then glued on the larger pieces.


The centre piece is a cameo that I needle felted when I first started felting! The tiny deer are were a little gift from Sefie! So cute 😀


I did a row of larger pearls around the edge of the lid.


Then the rest was filled in with jewels and pearls.


All done! I love Spring themed things. And also, how cute is the tiny deer??


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