Melbourne Snapshots

This week’s snapshots starts with me absolute favorite thing: sweets!

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James and I went out to dinner with Celete and Kev one night and beforehand we stopped in at a cake shop called Burch and Purchese.VioletLeBeauxP1040903_3648 copy


It was freaking freeeeeezing and rainy and miserable that night so the cake shop was very warm and welcome! I spent most of the night wrapped up in my scarf to avoid the rain.

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They have this gigantic wall of scents there so you can mix and match them into a custom cake. Such a cool idea and I felt a bit like I was in a Victorian mad scientist’s lair 😀

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Also they had bacon cake… bacon and maple syrup in cake form *_*

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The little descriptions were so cute too:

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I ended up buying some rose and strawberry jam and gold covered chocolate and salted caramel bars. I had never tasted salted caramel before this but now I’m addicted!

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Even the paintings were apparently edible, seriously mad cake scientist!

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Because we were early to get there before it was closed we went back to the car to eat desert before dinner XD

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This was the little cake I had, so cute that I kept the little test tubes and took it home.

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While we were eating Celeste and I decided we liked it all so much that we went back for seconds haha! I told you salted caramel was my new obsession, I bought a whole jar of it! Now I just need to think of some new ways to eat it 😀

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Afterwards through out steak dinner all I could think about was cake! Hmm now that I think about it, I should go back there…

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Also I was lucky enough to attend a fantastically fancy Estee Lauder/Tom Ford lunch with the MBBE girls.

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You know you’re somewhere fancy when the menu is hand written and they have your name in calligraphy!

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I was really happy because I finally got to meet Alice and Angela from Estee Lauder who I’d been chatting to via email for quite a while. I love putting faces to names!


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Delicious dessert of the day was creme brulee:

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We watched a little video on the brands as well as short talks from Alice and Angela.

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Of course with that many bloggers in one room there was plenty of cam-whoring…

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All of our photos together look like wedding photos because we got to take the flower center pieces home hahaha!

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I took one for my hair too ^_^ Funnily enough those flowers were the longest lasting flowers I’ve ever had, they didn’t die for like 3 weeks in our lounge room 😀

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As usual I’m more obsessed with the little things like monogrammed napkins!

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With the lovely Emily from Emily’s Anthology!

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Val, Tine and Jess!

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Myself, Akisa and Alice.

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Would a meet up be complete without a photo of taking a photo? No I don’t think it would.

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The beautiful flowers.

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We were gifted with a lovely bag of products to test out, I haven’t been able to use a lot of the skin care products because of my allergies but I am loving the make up so reviews to follow. It’s actually inspired a couple of looks for a new series I’m filming so something to look forward to!

This was the sun rise the morning we went to Adelaide, I don’t remember the last time I was awake enough to see the sunrise >_< So pretty though, from the train station it looked like the street was on fire.

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My Dad and his wife came to visit for a few days so we went out to dinner with them last night. Their hotel was very pretty but none of my photos turned out so I’ll have to wait to get the ones I took with his camera.

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My Dad has a Panasonic GF1 as his point and shoot which is one of the cameras I’ve been looking into upgrading to (though I want the GF3) so I spent a lot of the night comparing my TZ10 to his and then weeping silently into my drink at the difference ;_; It was difficult to give it back, I tried to trick him into taking mine home instead but I think the bright pink deco tipped him off 😉

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I also met up randomly with some adorable readers in the mall while we were looking for a coffee shop! They were so sweet to come and say hello and compliment my outfit, I’m so lucky that such wonderful people read my blog 😀

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I didn’t get your names girls so say hello in the comments and let me know if you have blogs too that I can check out! They are Estee and Reena! Go have a look at Estee’s blog, so cute!


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What else has happened recently? I think there’s been some kind of anti-Violet conspiracy going on, all of my favorite things are being discontinued or closing down 🙁 Seriously in the space of a week like 5 of my favorite hair products have been discontinued! Even James’ favorite Asian grocery store shut up shop! Speaking of which, if you guys know anywhere other than Priceline that stocks Wakk Stain pink dye let me know, I really hate the new one I’ve been trying out and want to switch back but I can’t find any other suppliers online other than dodgy looking ebay auctions.

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It’s been super misty and rainy the last week, it makes the architecture here look even more beautiful when the sky looks like it’s eating it.

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We visited a cafe/art gallery for a business meeting and James tried an organic version of Coke which he didn’t hate XD The story behind this is that James looooves Coke, his Dad used to work for them so he grew up drinking it… a lot. So whenever we go out that’s his drink of choice, here in Melbourne we were surprised how many places didn’t have it. Definitely different from Brisbane in that regard XD

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That same place actually had very cool mugs, the black parts were covered in velvet!

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When I get those photos off my Dad I’ll show you guys a new little cafe we found in the mall too, it was super cute and had really yummy macarons. I’ve got recipes I’ve been meaning to post too, maybe I should start doing food related Fridays or something. *so behind on things I want to do*

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We spent ages looking around for little wrist gloves for a video I’m making next time I do my hair, and when we found them I couldn’t resist playing with them on the way home XD

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Hmm what else? Not a huge amount has been going on, I’ve been stuck at home working as per usual. I was thinking maybe once a week I should make myself get out of the house and do something interesting. Melbourne has so much to offer and so many interesting activities and places and I don’t feel like I’m seeing any of them >_<

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Comedy for the day, I was taking a photo of this pretty door and James and I had this conversation:

James: Do a pose!

Violet: What kind of pose?

James: I don’t know, something door themed?

And this was what came out… yeah I don’t know either.

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And because I’m waiting for my photos/vlog from Adelaide here’s the only one I have so far… it’s some kind of art sculpture in Rundel Mall of a pig looting a rubbish bin XD


And I’ll leave you with a photo of my make up from ABC that I took while I was trying and failing at napping beforehand.


What have you all been up to?



Current Favorite Lip Combination and Priceline Charity

At ABC the other day someone asked about my lip colour and I couldn’t remember the combination to tell them >_< Now I can’t remember who asked so if it was you let me know and I’ll update, sorry my memory is so bad!!

I’ve been preferring bright colours lately so I’ve gone back to the sparkly pinks I used to wear. My current favorite base colour is the L’Oreal Colour Riche Intense in Sparkling Amethyst. It’s creamy, stays on well and very sparkly!


To top coat over it for extra gloss I currently  love Lancome Juicy Tube special Yayoi Kusama edition in Crazy Yuzu. It’s pretty much the most sparkly pigmented lip gloss I’ve ever owned.VioletLeBeauxDSC_0157_4384

By themselves these two are nice, pretty good but together holy hell do they pop!

The Sparkling Amethyst:


The Crazy Yuzu which is much sparklier in real life but has lost it’s intensity in the photo 🙁


Nice right? But together:


WIN! Super bright and an awesome depth to it. So there’s the answer to that question 😀 The best part is that the Sparkling Amethyst was one of the things I got from the Priceline Charity Lucky Dip a few weeks ago. I don’t think that all of the Pricelines are running these but if your local one is definitely check it out because not only can you pick up some great bargains but the money goes to a great cause: the Priceline Sisterhood which includes 6 different charities. All you have to do is give a gold coin donation and you get to pick a lucky dip which is wrapped up in bright green or pink wrapping paper!

I’ve been back a couple of times and this is what I’ve lucky dipped so far (not including the Juicy Tube which was sent to me by their PR)


So not only my new favorite lipstick but also Rimmel Stay Glossy:


A 60sec Rimmel polish in “Blue My Mind” (which looks much more purple than blue to me).


And a Rimmel waterproof green sparkly eyeliner which I used in the false lash look I posted on Monday. I keep picking Rimmel items without realising it XD



Definitely worth checking out 😀

Tomorrow I’ll be putting up the long awaited custom nails/decals review from Inspired Nails. Slowly catching up on everything. This weekend has been put aside to get some crafting done finally so if you’ve got requests throw them my way now ^_^

Melbourne Snapshots – Purikura

First thank you for your lovely comments on James’ post, you’ve all given him a swelled head and now he thinks he can take my laptop whenever he likes!! I’m still really tired from going to Adelaide yesterday but I’ll make sure he replies to all of you soon and I will definitely take all of your lovely comments into consideration XD

Anyway, more on that and Adelaide soon!

Snapshots ahoy and this time let’s start off with purikura ^_^ Not so sure why James’ head is in a cake in the top right but who cares, we’re riding an alpaca! James says it’s because he’s yummy and delicious and best served with Betty Crocker icing.


This month started off with eating donuts from Walkers and pretty much only involved eating donuts from Walkers… a lot of donuts.VioletLeBeauxP1040764_3377 copy

I love it there because they play swing music and James loves it because they sell America soft drinks and have $1 jam donuts XD

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Before anyone asks: don’t worry it’s just a wig 🙂

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There was a bit of shopping, well not real shopping more like walking through shops on the way to get to more boring destinations…

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But even that resulted in this -_-‘

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James spotted a blue version of the Valliant he just sold and was nostalgic.

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I giggled inappropriately at the suggestive instructive pictures on these kitchen kitchen sponges.

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I almost bought this cake decorating toy on sale but changed my mind last minute because the cupcake version looked so much cooler but wasn’t available. Completely pointless but so cute! I want to bake tiny cakes!

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I discovered how awesome the idea of heat up slippers is and then realised our apartment is so warm we never turn the heading on anyway so it’s probably overkill.

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I also stopped myself from buying pretty stickers because even though I love stickers I have no idea what to do with them…VioletLeBeauxP1040753_3366 copy

I also didn’t buy this cute rainbow yarn, this snapshots sure seems to be full of a lot of things I didn’t buy XD That can be this week’s theme!

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I thought about buying a bonsai tree and then remembered that between James and I we have killed several of them.

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We ate a lot of delicious food court food on the way to other boring places.

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Architecture break:

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Random photo where we’re both actually in shot break:

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Pretty floral break:

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Some poor guy’s bicycle break… literally…

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One more architecture break because I really like this clock!

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We were invited to Games Night at Kim’s place. The rule is that new people have to win before they are allowed to be regular members of the group, I was paranoid but I won first time YAY! That’s an achievement because I really suck at games. And in case you saw the Pictionary post and were wondering, I didn’t beat James with a notebook at all this time so fun was had by all.

Speaking of Pictionary, now that the competition is over and the winners have been announced I can tel you all that James’ drawing was A SNAKE CHARMER! Good on the 3 of you that actually got that right! Though some of the other responses were much funnier than anything I thought of so I suggest you guys go back and read the other comments for a good giggle!

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Kim has an awesome wall painted to be a white board so this was the night’s menu:

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The reason it was pending a taste test was because we didn’t know how it was going to taste. So if it came out well it was mine and if it tasted terrible it’s was james’.

Celeste tested making curly fries with her new machine too 😀

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The first game we played was Monopoly Deal which is basically a card game version of Monopoly but very confusing.

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As always, I was a very classy winner. And I definitely did NOT throw my cards in the air and bathe in the game money I collected.

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Too late guys, I won the first game, you can’t un-invite me now!!

After that we played chocolate Monopoly which was basically just an excuse to eat chocolate.

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And then it was dinner time! We had cheese fondue which was a first for me. Very yummy!

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Though towards the end the burner wasn’t working properly and we were pretty much just eating lumps of cheese and making suggestive comments about how it looked… my friends are all super mature just like me 😉

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Awesome dinner spread!

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So it was a wonderful night 😀

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And I’ll leave you with our rules board which may be slightly biased to a certain member who is much better at strategising than everyone else XD

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Hope you all had a great weekend, I can’t wait to show you all the stuff I got up to in Adelaide as soon as I can sift through all the video/footage!

Jimmy’s Time To Shine

Hello readers of Violet! It’s me, Jimmy! I know you were expecting some kind of miracle craft from Violet where she turns a cue tip, some old lace and a dollar store plastic flower into the best tasting doughnuts ever (wait, am I dating Macgyver?) but instead I have locked her away. HA HA HA!


Image credit: Listal.

You see, many people don’t know this but Violet used to work from 10am to 10pm and then spent the night replying to e-mails, comments, writing blog posts, taking pictures, thinking up new ideas, contacting companies and worrying if people liked it. Then we discovered how funny YouTube actually was. Between blogging and working on photography/graphic design/video work for clients we were already using up all of our peak-time internet, so we have to watch YouTube during the off-peak (2am-8am). So now Violet works from 12pm to 2am. That’s a 14 hour day, every day of the week. And she doesn’t stop for anything, I do the cooking and she eats at her desk. She used to break for Judge Judy, but then they cancelled it!!!

Finally enough was enough and I decided to force her to take a day off. I told her she is sleeping in, she can get up and have a shower, but then it’s straight back to the bedroom for breakfast in bed.

She was really worried about all of you, so I said I’d handle today’s post, then she got REALLY worried. But she can relax, we’re having fun, right? Right!

I then gave her a list of my top 10 Jimmy approved activities:
1. Read poorly written romantic novels and critique/poke fun at them (a guilty pleasure of hers)
2. Deco something (but no photos, she’s not going to sneakily turn something into a blog post on MY watch!)
3. Do nails
4. Bake something (again, no pictures)
5. Beat me at arm wrestling (my list was sounding a little chauvinistic)
6. Do some Japanese lessons
7. Tell me what to get her for lunch/dinner
8. Clean up the icons on her desktop (ooooohhhh how it bugs me)
9. Watch some TV/Movies

Image credit: Ioffer.

Did I get a punch in the tummy for that last one? You bet I did! I also suggested Terraria, but she thinks games that don’t have an end are pointless. Which I guess is true in a literal sense, but it’s so freaking addictive!!! If you haven’t played it yet, don’t. I played it once and now I play it almost every night for ages. I started to get bored with it, then I started from scratch with a new world and I love it again. Damn you Terraria!!!

Me being awesome in Terraria.

This is starting to get a little long, but maybe you guys could settle some bets for us? I say that while I’m sure you guys appreciate all the effort that goes into tutorials and reviews, sometimes you would just like Violet to post about more general stuff like what she did that day or what she has planned for her next day off in 2013. You know, general personal stuff. She says it would seem conceited and boring. So if you guys agree with me, sing it loud and sing it proud in the comments below! Violet will read the comments, but I will be answering them this time. Also I think there should be more of me here because  I am clearly awesome! Vote 1 Jimmy!

Ah crap I forgot we are going to Adelaide tomorrow, maybe I should let her out so she can tell me what to pack? That doesn’t sound very relaxing though.

One last thing before I go, a plug.

ha HA! Plug. No but really, Violet has told me that I should post everyday to on MY blog which is about photography for beginners on a budget, so now I’m posting Monday-Friday. Trying to anyway, I forgot yesterday, even though I had actually written the post, I just forgot to post it. and if you have any photography related questions you can ask me here in the comments or on my blog. Maybe I’ll turn your questions into a post because it’s really hard thinking of 5 posts in a row. BYE!!!

Oh damn, she does some kind of code thing at the end here to make it only show the first picture and some text. I must have watched her do this a million times, why don’t I know how to do this? Uhhhh…tell you what, just pretend you only saw the first picture and some text, then you clicked a link and now you see the whole thing. There, I fixed it.

News, Features, Excitement and Blogopolis

Firstly apologies for any typos or if this is written terribly, I’ve been sick with a bad cold since yesterday so I’m quite out of it at the moment but this couldn’t wait!

Thank you!

Thank you so much to everyone who answered my reader poll yesterday, all of your feedback has given me a clearer idea on how I can make the site better for you all and where to go from here! It’s very reassuring to know that I’m mostly on the right track and a lot of you are actually enjoying my posts. I really appreciate the time you all took to write in your suggestions so thank you!

If you want to take the poll or give feedback just take a look at yesterday’s post over here.

I never imagined when I started this blog that literally thousands of people would be logging on to read it every day, the idea that people would actually be interested in silly things I write about at all makes me so happy. Having never been in a situation like this before I appreciate you guys taking the time with me as I learn how to move forward and progress! At Blogopolis I was complimented in some really heart felt ways that made me tear up a bit. I know that what I write here is hardly earth shattering or world changing, but knowing that there are some people who log on to cheer themselves up after having a bad day or to escape from their real lives for a few minutes gives me the energy and passion to keep going and make this the best site it possibly can be. Without you all reading I would be able to do half the things I do now and any success I have I owe to you guys… so thank you! I’ve learned so much since I started this blog all those years ago and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

Which brings me to my next point…


This morning I woke up this morning to a bunch of texts, emails and tweets letting me know that I was on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age *_* Apparently there was a journalist at the Blogopolis event over the weekend who picked up my pink hair as being a new fashion trend! I’m not really up with current fashions but I really appreciate the shout out and the fact that she thought I was worth writing an article about! Thank you so much Natasha Hughes for writing the article, I’m really flattered to be in such a large publication!

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And thank you to the awesome Danimezza for taking that photo of me too, I’m so glad you were at our table and it was awesome to meet you finally!

If you want to read the article and some of the funny comments that were left just visit the links below!


On to other exciting news, I’ve just had the details finalised so I can let everyone know I’ve been invited to be special guest speaker at the Adelaide Beauty Conference! I’ll be speaking about blogging and giving a nail art demonstration on a couple of the girls attending. So excited! I’ve never been to Adelaide and I’m so lucky that the first time I get to go it’s because I’m being flown in to talk to fellow bloggers! They wrote the most flattering article about me on the site too, I feel very fancy!

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To see more about the conference take a look at their website over here:


In other travel news James and I will also be attending IMATS in Sydney this year. IMATS is the International Make Up Artist Trade Show which is held every year in Sydney. This year there is a blogger’s weekend happening around it called ABBW (I know, so many acronyms I’m confused now too!) and we will be flying down to Sydney for the weekend! I’ve only been to Sydney once before and it was just overnight so I will be very happy to spend a bit more time there with like minded people and explore!


So as you’ve probably guessed, on Saturday James and I were lucky enough to go to Nuffnang’s Blogopolis Conference. It was basically a conference with around 300 bloggers from all around Australia who came to talk about the ins and outs of blogging. There have been a lot of run downs of the day already including some really in depth looks at the content covered so I will just show you guys photos and my funniest moments from the day ^_^

Full gallery with many photos of me posing with various awesome bloggers and people I respect. I will update with everyone’s URL’s and info as soon as I feel a bit better as well as the link to the professional photos.

Apologies for the crappy picture quality, I didn’t realise some of the settings on my Lumix had been changed until we got home >_< the other half of these are from my phone that I was live tweeting on the day.

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My favorite parts:

On the way out in the morning it was pretty chilly! It was an early start so we left home at around 8am to walk to Fed Square

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This is how James looks that early in the morning…

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My outfit for the day was my Jesus Diamante dress, a belt and a shawl.


We got a bit lost on the way there but were lucky to meet up with Tim and Ming who are the founders of Nuffnang, below I’m with Tim while Ming was signing in! I was so surprised how big Federation Square was, even though we live very close by we haven’t actually been over to explore in the entire year that we’ve been here, how sad is that?

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This is what a bunch of bloggers look like when we conference 😉 Oh yes, everyone heads straight for the coffee table!

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Miss Grace and I had a Nail-Off competition, I’m pretty sure she won haha! We decided that I should do a whole line of Grace inspired nail art which involves large amounts of chips. How cute is her jewellery? The one on the left is a little mouse!

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I failed pretty miserably at playing Blogger Networking Bingo. Basically we had to introduce ourselves to people in the room and see if they fit the boxes, first one to fill them all won. I was too shy to get many though >_< Next time give me a game of Pictionary and that will get us all talking and possibly yelling and beating each over the head with note pads! BAM. ICE BROKEN.

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There were a lot of talks and advice given, the most amusing of which I took from this was from Mr Gadget: don’t write your slides on the plane ride over very late at night because you will accidentally confuse your dot points and tell people to give up blogging hahaha!

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You may also have some serious stock photo abuse going on too hahaha! Don’t worry Arnold I still loved your presentation and your stylish suit made up for it!

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Morning tea was yummy cupcakes and short bread. I was so excited meeting new people that I forgot to get milk for my tea before the next session started *_*

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For lunch James and I went out with Ayr and Super Kawaii Mama for some sushi and Lord of the Fries.

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We were nicknamed “The Fancy Hair Brigade”…. no clue why 😉

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On Friday I stayed home for ages and was late for several appointment because I was waiting for my new business cards to arrive, very inconvenient but worth it because I’m really happy with how they turned out! Of course I kept forgetting to hand the damn things out which was pretty stupid. If anyone wants some let me know and I’ll post them to you!

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I think the main difference I noticed in this convention to other blogger gatherings I’ve been to here and overseas is that everyone here was really shy! Quite a few people later sent me messages saying the were too shy to say hello and I kind of felt the same way, there were so many other wonderful people there that I wanted to talk to but it was hard to get the courage up to make the first move. I think maybe because everyone was there to learn and take notes that maybe the tone of the event was different than the meet ups and awards I’ve been to in the past. Who knows, I still had a great time!

If you wanted to say hi but were too busy/couldn’t find me/were too nervous, say hi here!

I finally got to meet Lori who writes one of the most heartfelt blogs that I have ever come across. She has so much strength and determination and she has been one of my role models for a long time.

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She gave me my most treasured item from the day: a wrist band with her url and the word SPEAK. I can’t explain the motivation behind it as eloquently as she does but the message is clear: if you are in trouble please SPEAK.

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I spent most of the conference live tweeting and taking notes on my ipad which is funny considering by doing that I kind of failed as a blogger by not taking more photos! Enjoy staring at the stack of business cards I didn’t hand out XD

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After everything was done there was a two hour gap between the conference and post drinks party so a group of us went out to dinner. Ming had a craving for lobster so we went out searching for a place.

Group of bloggers catching the tram= hell of a lot of fun camwhoring and falling over in inappropriately high shoes.

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It was pretty rainy but that made it an even more fun trip!

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Lobster was found and I was pretty excited because I had never eaten it before!

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As it turns out, I love lobster! Sorry bank account!!

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Of course there were some mishaps, Grace even had a lobster related injury. Don’t worry Grace, it matches your manicure 😀

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We headed home afterwards because I was too tired to do the after party but not without one last photo!

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We happened to bump into Tim, Ming and Arnold again on the way and showed them our favorite bubble tea place. AWESOME night full of awesomely yummy things! So sleepy by the ends and very glad to be home!

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So thank you again to everyone who made the day awesome, thank you to Nuffnang (especially Lynda) for holding the event, thank you to my hilarious friends for keeping me laughing and most importantly…

thank you to YOU for continuing to read!


Nuffnang Blogopolis 2011

Sooo today I’ll be at Nuffnang’s Blogopolis so I won’t be able to do a proper post but I wanted to show you all what I’m up to so this post will be live updated from the event! I’ve embedded my Cuties mobile blog below (much easier for me to update on the run) so you can either just go to the Cuties blog for all of the photos at once or refresh here for the 5 newest ones.

You’ll be able to follow me around all day from when I get up at 6am (ugh so early!) to the after party 😀 I’m filming video and a whole lot of other fun things too so expect more. I can’t wait to meet a lot of you in person for the first time and I wish all of those who aren’t in Aus could come for this too! In the mean time enjoy!

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