Daiso Bourke St Melbourne Opening Photos!

Last Sunday Daiso finally opened their CBD store! I was so excited about this because the original ones were too far out for me to visit very often. For those of you not familiar with the concept of Daiso, it’s a Japanese discount variety store where everything is $2.80 (well it’s 100yen plus tax in Japan but here we pay extra… because it’s Australia).

You guys enjoyed the last lot of Daiso photos I took so I took more which I thought you guys might like too ^_^ Video will be up asap so enjoy the photos in the mean time!

Seeing all of the little details and bits and pieces was really inspiring for my Home Sweet Home project. I’ve been feeling a bit down on it because I hit a plateau where the house is nice enough that I can live with it… but not so nice that it’s perfect. I needed this to give me a bit of a kick to get back into things! Now I want to go back and replace all of the crappy functional things in my house with nice ones haha!

[zenphotopress album=539 sort=latest number=100]

Have you guys been yet? I bought quite a few things… mostly for the future puppy 😀 😀 😀

Bergamot Bunny Store Is OPEN!!!

The time is finally here, the Bergamot Etsy store is finally open!

Such a relief to finally have something online! The store will have several more options added over the next few weeks but at the moment it has:

  • Cell phone and bag charms
  • Bracelets
  • Earrings
  • Plain charms that you can use in your own craft projects
Miss Bergamot herself:

It’s been a really bumpy ride trying to get this up and running, working out margins including several currency exchanges and percentages has reminded me several times why James and I are considering moving overseas >_<

I’m so proud of how this batch of charms has turned out and it’s made all of the hard work worth it! The next step is definitely still getting the plushies into production but my negotiations on that level are still going on and until I can get the costs including shipping under control without me having to lay out many thousands of dollars in advance it’s slow progress. But it is progress so it’s something else to look forward to!

In the mean time I will be putting a couple of the handmade Bergamot plushies up for auction!

I’m so happy to be able to keep crossing big projects like this off my to do list! Next step will be the Bergamot book and the pattern books 😀

So enjoy some photos below or…

Click to check out the Bergamot Bunny store now!


This is my sewing table at the moment:Bergamot-Bunny-Charms-VioletLeBeauxDSC_8422_19309The puffy cotton tails I’ve been obsessed with making…


And some of the individual items!



Some bracelets! I want to do some extremely full charm bracelets next 😀


More phone/bag straps.



My favorites are the ones with the fluffy tails 😀 I want to make hair accessories with these too!



And some earrings too!





So many exclamation marks in one post but I think it’s totally justified considering how long you guys have waited!

Thank you to everyone who has helped me out with getting these done, I hope you all like them as much as I do!

And once more…

Click to check out the Bergamot Bunny store now!

Melbourne Snapshots!




James in the very early morning taking some sunrise photos!


These photos are from when James and I visited the Suzuki Night markets. I wish they were still on, looking at these is making me hungry!VioletLeBeauxP1040264_14642Paella!


I want to eat it aaaaall!


Oh and mini burgers!


The city is so pretty from the outside too.


There aren’t many flowers around at the moment but they’re very pretty anyway.


And the architecture is so pretty no matter the season.


I do love twilight… the time not the books…


Tiny hot chocolate mugs, so cute!


Only in Melbourne is there a monument erected to someone named Batman XDDDD


This is my favorite photo that I’ve taken in a long time. It’s so peaceful.


James and my Mum walking home.


I found some cute things this month too:

Spotty suspenders!


Mushroom candles!


James was overly excited to see The Gap (we only just got one here)… I was less interested XD


But I did see some cute pants in the children’s section.


Adorable whoopie pie maker, James tried to make these once but he forgot to put eggs in and they were soooo bad XD


I don’t think this next one needs a caption.




We went to a Japanese restaurant called Kaneda and it’s my new favorite place right now omgsogooood!


With my Mum..


Grape Calpico yuuum!


They had the best bento and soft shell crab!


I won Celina a kitty from claw machine 😀


I’m really tempted to go back for this jumper, it looks so comfy!


And lastly an iphone case with it’s own usamimi XD


What have you guys been up to this week?

Violet Le Squirrel: A Day In The Life

Something funny to lighten the end of the week a bit…

Oh my god I have the best friends! My friends in the US Pure Girl Blue and her husband are  hilarious and have my exact sense of humour 😀

Being so super awesome they made a video of their take on James and my lives… I present to you:

Violet Le Squirrel: A Day In The Life!

I am laughing SO hard right now, hope you guys enjoyed it and it brightened up your day like it did mine!

I’m In A Book :D Toni and Guy Blogged and Bound

So that Sydney thing I did in February?

It’s a book 😀

…and it’s been released 😀

…and there’s a video 😀


You can read all about the Toni and Guy Hair Meets Wardrobe Blogged and Bound campaign on their website. The general idea though is that they took some of Australia’s top fashion and beauty bloggers and showed how their hair products could work in with the wardrobes.

Now because it’s a very pretty book and I’m excited here are some photos from the inside!


Hey that’s a familiar face!!


All that food is real! I ate so many of those macarons on the day XD


Aaaand the crew came to my house and Glamaz Melbourne to film the video version of it! Take a look  and let me know what you think! 😀

You can see the rest of my part including the interview I did and the full photos in the book over here. Make sure to check out the other bloggers too!

Melbourne Snapshots Shopping

Snapshots time! This time is full of lots of shopping 😀


James definitely isnt compensating for anything…VioletLeBeaux-Panasonic-GF3-Melbourne-Review50348_9975 copyMelbourne laneways look even prettier when it’s raining.

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Pretty lamp that I want to make 😀

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I laughed so hard at this poster, Bananas are grown up in North Qld in Australia so every time there’s a flood or a cyclone the prices go through the roof. At one point there were ice cream places adding a “banana tax” hahaha!

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The last time we had green leaves was quite a while ago!

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I kind of want to send a telegram to this place to see if they still use the hole!

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Bubble Tea with Pierre the Bear that lives in my hair.

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Pretty shoes:

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I saw this is the back of a magazine, and thought it kind of looked like shaved James XD


Cue the Friends theme song..

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We did some clothes shopping this month, I really wanted this dress but it was too big ;_;

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I couldn’t convince James to buy this jumper even though he looked so good in it!


Architecture break!

I like the new on the left and old on the right, it’s very Melbourne ^_^


You need to look at these next photos while you play the music from a 90’s romantic comedy trying-things-on-montage. Trust me, it makes more sense that way.


Did you play the music? If so I hope you gave the correct responses of “noooo” “meh” and “perfect!” to each pair of glasses XD

If you did I reward you with photos of delicious food!


One random photo modeling the glasses I actually bought…


And then the Popin’ Coking Set I filmed a video of a while ago 😀 😀 😀


So what are you up to this week?

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