Lolita Artwork post…

A cutesy artwork break today.

Argh sometimes when I think about Lolita or Hime Gyaru this happens to me. I just want to hand over my purse and say “TAKE MY MONIES! JUST GIVE ME YOUR PRETTIES!”… Good idea right? I’m sure my budget disagrees but my brain wants to do this! Btw you can buy this on a shirt in my RedBubble Store… and fund spendings hahaha…

This was one of my first drawings using my graphics tablet. It was pretty much a study in different techniques but kind of cute huh?

Meh that’s enough cutesy artwork for now.

ACEO Friday!

Back on track with ACEO Friday now. Enjoy the bowling.

Now this is the kind of Rockabilly fashion I could really get into! Floofy skirts, Pettis, high hair. Makes me want to go bowling!
James where are you? Time to go bowling! As usual I get very bored writing these descriptions and just want to get back to drawing.

As always click the picture to be taken to the ACEO etsy sale page 🙂

ACEO Friday!

Time for a comics themed ACEO Friday.

Ok I’ve been branching out and getting back to my artistic roots… traditional comics! God I love Gambit from X-men. He’s my favorite comic character of all time. When I was a teenager I spent all my money on comics with Gambit. Ah now that I’m a poor business owner I can’t afford my comics anymore! I’ll make my own!

As always click the picture to be taken to the etsy ACEO sale page 🙂

Artwork post…

More pointless artwork. Ink painting today.

I thought it was time to get inspired again so here is a painting I did a couple of years ago but only just finished. At the time it was supposed to be a self portrait but I’ve changed so much I don’t identify with it at all anymore!

Still it’s not bad, too creepy to hang on the wall though! Her eyes seem to follow you without looking anywhere in particular! We hung her up for a few days but it was just so creepy that I had to stick her back in the garage!

This artwork was made with watercolours and inks on canvas.

ACEO Friday!

Another ACEO Friday, this time with a fairly different tone!

Something a little bit more sexy this week! See I can do things other than Lolita and Hime Gyaru! I have to say that I do miss my frills XD
I’ve been interested in Rockabilly fashion lately. Especially pin-ups! Don’t worry though I’m not giving up the pearls any time soon!

Click the picture to be taken to the etsy sale page with my other ACEOs  🙂

ACEO Friday!

ACEO Friday time again!

I’ve been really inspired by Alice in Wonderland for pretty much my entire life. If you know me, you know my frills. The poofy skirts, the lace the whole deal is part and package for me.
Alice in Wonderland is a really great Lolita inspiration, not only because of it’s aesthetic appeal but when analyzed in a deeper (and more wanky) way some of the central themes can be applied to the lifestyle aspect of Lolita. The aspect of the being the only sane person in a crazy world is very Lolita!

This piece has already been sold but click it anyway to go to my etsy shop for other ACEO pieces!

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