Decoden Pill Box

As part of James’ Christmas present to me he placed an order to Strapya World for decoden supplies.

It arrived the day before Christmas Eve and I was ecstatic! The biggest part of the order was the 2008 Pink Girly Lucky Pack and sweet bajebus was it full of awesome!

So after spending a while just enjoying opening and sorting all the tiny packets of decoden jewels (the best part I think!) I decided to put my new toys to use!

This originally was my boring old pill box, now it’s much prettier!

I showed it to James’ Mum and she thought that my pretty green Advil were part of the decoration. That’s right, even my medication is pretty, beat that! XD

Home again~

Squee! I’m back online guys 😀 I love the internet, I love being able to talk to people again, I love everything! SQUEE!

Ok I swear I’ll write something more cohesive next time!

Nail Art Style- Black and White Nautical Pirates

This week’s nail art style is nautical.

I love this style so much! Credit where it’s due I copied the idea it from these nails. She has such fantastic ideas and style! If I wore stick on nails I would have ordered from her several times over by now!

Apologies for the small photo.

I’ve always been in love with pirates and nautical themes so this seemed perfect for me. The thumbs have anchors, the middle have wheels and the pinkies have compass points. I tell you what, putting that many tiny balls on there was a pain but they are so cute!

Doing fun nail art designs like this makes me want to order some more supplies so I can do fancy designs more often. 

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