I’m going to be out of internet contact for about a week. I will still get online to check up on everything if I can though!
I’ve got a couple of posts set up and ready to go so enjoy them!
Expect lots of beach photos when I get back 😀
I’m going to be out of internet contact for about a week. I will still get online to check up on everything if I can though!
I’ve got a couple of posts set up and ready to go so enjoy them!
Expect lots of beach photos when I get back 😀
We took James’ new Nikon D60 out for a spin today! So much fun, he even let *me* take a few pictures! For those who don’t know this is a big deal because I am the clumsiest person in the universe.
Oh noes don’t let me hold it or I might drop it and we’d have no money left *_* It does take lovely photos, they are just very expensive photos 😉
How nice is the view from my balcony? I love it. You can’t see here but we can see all the way into the city. Hurrah the perks of being on the top of a hill!
Indeed I have eyes… what of it?
James looking very suave! Unfortunately those stupid clouds are in the way of my awesome view! Damn clouds. I love that it’s not a billion degrees during the day anymore though!
Now a question for you all… I’m thinking of doing a weekly feature of a shop that I like or a review of interesting products. Would you be interested in reading that? Good idea yes/no?
What kind of shops would you like me to review, any particular products? And are there any shop owners out there who would like to volunteer their products for review?
Let me know what you think and what your favorite outfits at the moment are!
Just to prove a point seeing as you were all shocked at my terrible baking. James has been teasing me about the sea cake all week so have a look at his great cake!
Yes the top is a completely different size to the bottom.
Ha so there James! Your cake is no better than mine 😛
Here is the one I made that day, delicious icing!
Hey guys I’m being featured on “Women in Business” blog come read my interview here:
Woo! I’m a women in business and also cake!