by VioletLeBeaux | Jun 9, 2011 | Craft, Decoden, Decoden-Tutorials, Tutorial
Deco project time 😀 For my birthday my Dad bought me a stylus for my iPad so I could use it for illustration work. You’ve already seen some of the drawings I’ve done with it but here’s the project I did with the stylus itself.
The stylus looks like a really fat, blunt, aluminium pencil which is pretty cute but I wanted to personalise it a bit more. I settled on adding charms to the top, a dangle and some diamantes fading from that.
What you need:
- Stylus
- Epoxy glue
- Charms for the top
- Stick to mix everything
- Diamantes
- Pliers
First thing I did was remove all the hardware and cellphone attachments for the charm I’m using at the top. |
I then used epoxy to glue it in place to the very top of the stylus. It’s a little pink lucky poop I got somewhere in Japan. It had an irritating bell inside which I glued in place too.
Once that was completely dry I made 3 rows of diamantes underneath it.
Then to create a fading pattern I continued down in rows leaving a gap every now and then. The further I went the more gaps I left. This is a nice alternative to a straight finish.
Last I added some dangly charm to the hook at the top and it was finished! Very simple project but it makes a big difference to the end product. And with poop guarding it, no one will ever steal my damn pens again!!! Hahaha!
Now if only I could work out a way to make it self heating >_< Because it’s aluminium to work with the screen it’s freezing to use in Winter *_* At the moment I have been heating it up on the back of my laptop before using hahaha!
by VioletLeBeaux | Jun 8, 2011 | Craft, Hair-Accessory-Tutorials, Tutorial
I’m on a cleaning kick with my craft stuff so I’m looking at ways to use up old supplies! Extra lace? Extra ribbon? Random pompoms? Time to make a cute Wintery hair band 😀
Finished project:
You need:
- Eyelet lace
- Thin ribbon
- Needle, thread, scissors
- Pompoms
Normally I’m not a fan of cheap non-cotton lace but this roll was especially pretty so I’ve kept it waiting for the right project and this is where it ended up XD
Take a length of ribbon long enough to go around your head. Then tie it at the back and thread it through the eyelet’s in the middle of the lace. You need to have enough lace so that when it’s bunched up it will go from ear to ear.
Stitch the ends in place on the ribbon…
Cut two more lengths of ribbon around 20cm each. Cut the ends of one into points.
Fold the ends of the top piece of lace in to the center.
Stitch it in place. Fold the other piece in half on an angle so it forms the tail of the bow like this:
Stitch that in place too.
Wrap the thread around the center of the bow a few times so it bunches in.
Cut the tails of the pompoms to slightly different lengths:
Stitch them to the back of the bow:
And sew the whole thing on to the end of the bunched ribbon. Done!
Pretty 😀 I really like how this turned out, it’s so simple but really pretty. It actually reminds me a bit of mori girl fashion which I have a bit of a love for at the moment.
As I go through and clean out my scraps I think there will be more hair accessories because they are such a great way to use up little pieces 😀
by VioletLeBeaux | Jun 7, 2011 | Notices
Poll is now close and the winner is…
Crochet bunny!
It was a pretty close vote so what I’m going to do is have the crochet bunny as the first tutorial and then seeing as the scarf got so many votes I’ll use that as the knitting tutorial.
I’m aiming to start filming them this weekend and hopefully have the first one up next week so go get your yarn and a hook if you want to give it a try!