Current Obsession: Knitting Cardigans

For my birthday last year Miss Chrissy challenged me to knit another cardigan and gifted me the Marion pattern by Andi Satterlund. I don’t think she knew how much of an obsession this would turn into for me hahaha!

This was actually the first time I had made anything from a proper commercial pattern so when I looked it over the first time I wanted to quit just a little bit because it looked very complicated.

Turns out that it wasn’t… at all!

Chrissy and I decided to make matching cardigans that we could wear when she came to visit and then neither of us actually finished in time hahaha! You can see how hers turned out on her blog here!

My first step was buying yarn. I really just had single balls and odds and ends in my stash because huge projects like this scared me. I wanted beautiful yarn which would last a long time, be fun to knit with and was kind of luxurious.

Treating myself to high quality yarn was an important part of the motivation for this project because I knew I had to make it work for fear of wasting the money ;D

I went to Morris & Sons and purchased a 10 pack of Fribra Natura Sensational yarn. I was lucky because they were having a super sale and it was heavily discounted.

The yarn I picked was a really bouncy merino super wash which means I don’t need to stress about my hard work being destroyed in the wash. I really loved knitting with this yarn because it’s so squishy and bouncy.

The resulting cardigan is soft and warm enough for winter. It’s been through the wash 5 or so times already and there’s no pilling or particular wear so I would definitely buy more of this yarn.

So the actual sweater knitting part drove me a little bit insane. It’s all knit in one piece from the top down but my inability to read meant that I ended up frogging the front cabled sections once each >_> I am still pretty sure it’s actually not *completely correct* but it looks fine so let’s not talk about that haha!

Over all, the pattern was actually easy to follow for someone who didn’t have experience with that kind of pattern. There were a couple of places during the repeats especially on the arms where I rewrote things out so I could count them more easily but I liked the pattern enough to make another cardigan from it right away after this.

I did find it irritating to have to flip back and forth from the page with the cable instructions to the page with the rest of the instructions so I imported them into a drawing app on my ipad and placed the pages side by side to read at once. This helped me keep track of where I was up to as well because I could mark off on the pattern and just erase that layer on the next repeat.

I made the smallest size and I LOVE the fit of the cardigan. It’s fitted but not too small and the sleeves are fitted too which is one of my pet hates with cardigans.

Make sure you check out Chrissy’s version as even though we went from the same pattern they turned out very differently. You can also see the cabling on hers much more clearly than mine and it’s lovely!

I think what really threw me about the cable sections was that it travels so the cable scallops. I was never really able to memorise the repeats well enough to be able to wing it.

Having such a large amount of stockinette was really great for my first one of these because it meant a nice brain break in between the cabling.

I love the fit and finish of this pattern so much that I’m working on another one right now from it but in a lace stitch. Having looked through Andi Satterlund’s other designs, they are all on my wish list now *_*

And from now on I know to look for top down designs which are knit in one piece because the cardigan I knit after this one was the opposite of that and it drove me NUTS. More on my lace related mental breakdown next time.

So thank you to Chrissy for giving me such an awesome birthday gift and challenging me to try something new! I’ve finished my third cardigan and I’m about to start my 4th soon 😀

This face says “Hmmm which one should I knit next…?”

Bonus photo: yarn rainbow!


Let’s Get Sketchy

Every 6 months or so I go through a drawing phase. It usually coincides with finding some kind of new awesome supply at an art shop. This one was set off by downloading a drawing app called Sketches on the iPad and finding a stylus at Daiso that was thin like a pen so using the iPad didn’t feel like using crayons anymore.

I made it through like 5 days worth of a “draw every day” challenge I set for myself but I’m just not good at making myself do stuff like that every day.

The only reason I made it that far was that I found some coloured lead for my mechanical pencil. It is really hard to find coloured lead in Aus but there’s one newsagent that has the Pilot Colour Eno range and it’s the best! They are extremely inconsistent in softness (I assume because of the way different pigments work) but they probably average out to a 2B softness which is my favourite.

Really this is all just an excuse to draw my favourite subject…

I was kept even more interested by an iphone all called Sktchy. It’s a very cool idea, basically you upload photos of yourself and then artists use them for inspiration. I used portraits I found there as inspiration for the next two pictures.

MiniGambit was a bad influence on my drawings, all he ever wants to see is 90’s era Rogue >_>

Look at this nonsense that he draws! Think pretty highly of yourself eh buddy?

I really enjoy this program!

And lastly, the finished sketch from the beginning ^_^


A Week In Photos

There are a lot of snapshots to catch up on from last year! I think I should do the Halloween ones and Billy Idol Day first but these photos were already uploaded so I’ll do them next time ^_^

I’m a little obsessed with quail eggs at the moment. Not eating them… just looking at them because they’re so tiny and spotty.

And soup in bread bowls. Everything should come in bread bowls!

I don’t think I showed you guys the blanket fort we made a while ago either. Lottie loved it, she burrowed into the pillows and went to sleep behind my head XD

The key to my heart: frozen yoghurt. I don’t care what the temperature is outside, froyo. End of list.

I hope you had a good week!

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