Melbourne Show!

Just after I cut my hair short we went to the Melbourne Show! I love these kinds of things!


Of course the first place we went was the animal farm.

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These baby goats were having a serious throw down hahaha!_1350789 _1350793


And this one spat the hay feed all over me >_>_1350795 _1350800 _1350805 _1350824

Oh yes, I am that person.


As soon as we were finished, we made our way to the dog show! So lovely!_1350843 _1350845 _1350849 _1350854 _1350860 _1350865 _1350876 _1350878 _1350882

Enjoy Celina’s reaction to me telling her a dirty joke 😀

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This overpriced lemonade was also overrated 😀

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Cake show!!

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And of course, obligatory knitting and crochet show…_1350958 _1350961 _1350974

We tried to play some games but they were pretty overpriced as well._1350976

So we played the adult version where James threw $20 at a guy at a shop and “won” me this awesome dog toy!_1350996

Being a grow up is pretty great.

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