Cat Cup Cozies

I know I vlogged making these last year but I’m pretty sure I never put up the photos… So today here are some mini kitty coffee cup cozies. You know I spent way too much time trying to work out whether it was “cosy” or “cozy” and whether it was a US/UK spelling difference or if one was just incorrect >_>

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Also, how good is marshmallow fudge? Seriously, best thing you can possible make in a microwave!

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I actually think my favourite part of these was doing the blush. I don’t know why I’ve never thought to use real blush before but it looks so soft and cute!

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Resizing T-Shirts

Ages ago I grabbed a heap of these little crop tops for $2 a piece at a sale. They didn’t have my size in a lot of them though so I just took the next size up. They are perfect for Summer or for wearing underneath dresses that don’t have sleeves though so I got my overlocker together and finally took them in a bit.


This was a super easy fix because they are made of stretchy tshirt fabric. All I had to do was find one that did fit and then trace around it.

Pinning is useful for this kind of thing.

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So helpful.

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Then overlock down the side seam from the sleeve down.
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Rinse and repeat for the bajillion others!

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This also works for long sleeve!

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And depending on the kind of knit sweaters too!

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