
This edition starts with a delicious Korean restaurant James and I visited 😀


I tried Kimchi for the first time.

VioletLeBeaux-Melbourne-Snapshots-682_15124The was the reaction mwahahahaVioletLeBeaux-Melbourne-Snapshots-677_15119

We ate way to much food that day! I always over eat when there are side dishes.


Melbourne architecture? I like how pointy these modern buildings are.


That same day we went to have  poke around the State Library, it’s sooo pretty!


The architecture up te top is just amazing.


It’s a quiet room so there’s no talking there but the security guard said you’re allowed to take as many photos as you like.


I totally took advantage of that, can you imagine having a real photoshoot here? It would be amazing!


I wish I’d been here to study, it looks so relaxing *_*


Seeing as we’re on the topic of architecture and beautiful buildings enjoy some more 😀


You can’t really see it well in the photo but this one actually had big yellow dollar signs on it XD


I tried a Malaysian drink I can’t remember the name of when Celeste was back in town to visit, it had lots of condensed milk and writing this now I’m totally craving condensed milk again!


Dinner out with Celina and Toby too, wow I ate out a lot this time XD


It was pooouring down rain that night and pretty cold, the lights at Southbank were beautiful but I stepped in a really deep puddle on the way home and soaked both my shoe and stockings >_< So stupid that I didn’t see it, I was too busy talking!


The pretty riverscape made up for it though!


I want to have fairy lights in trees like this in my future home too, it just looks so magical!


I kind of want to find a way to string fairy lights around our current place too. We had them all around the bedroom at our last place but there is no way to hang them here because we’re not even allowed bluetac or sticky hooks on the walls ;_; Maybe I could hang them around the windows so it reflected on the mirror or something.

What have you guys been up to this week?

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