Hah I’m catching up on holidays! And this one was pretty good because for the first time ever we got ourselves a completely inappropriately sized Billy Idol Day tree! After agonising for days I ended up picking the fluffiest white one available and decorating it with pastel green, pink and gold. Our colours are always going to be green, pink and gold 😀
It’s pretty impressive at night! I wasn’t sure I was going to be bothered pulling it out again this year but it’s so pretty it might be worth it 😀
Lottie was too fat to fit in the hood we got for her. I am really not good at remembering sizes XD The lens flares around her collar look quite a lot like bells though so fitting!
I spent quite a while hand knitting us all custom stockings with special pictures on each.
Shockingly I don’t think they were all appreciated >_> We went out for Dumpling Roulette which is basically what happens when you order a bunch of weird flavours of dumplings, forget what they are and then take turns seeing who ends up with the horrible ones.
I knit mini stockings for all of our friends pets!
We finally got to see the big yearly gingerbread exhibition and it sure made my house look a bit sad.
To be fair though, ours was delicious and when I tried the one I bought there it was pretty horrible. My Mum had surgery the week beforehand so we ended up just taking it very easy on the actual day. Here you can see what I mean about us never being able to get a good family photo… ever.
We got all of our food this year from Last Minute Chef which was fantastic. No cooking! Well, James made crescent rolls but only because he loves to bake. Weirdo.
We of course did our yearly walk around town. The city was a bit odd this year for some reason. The Myer windows were a story about a lost dog which kind of just bummed me out.
I finally managed to buy an icecream from those carts in the mall though! It was just as melty as it looked… But you know, someone else enjoyed it!
After all of that we headed back home to settle in for video games and knitting. I started Chrissy’s sock yarn that day too which is in an upcoming post!
Ok maybe it is time to get in the mood and start decorating for this year!