I will at some point start talking properly in these again >_>
We’ve gone through some big changes over the last month or so, Kris has gone back to QLD for a while so I’m working as James’ assistant again which takes a decent chunk out of my time and I’ve been working really hard to create more products for my Creative Market shop. I want people who aren’t using graphics like designers to be able to access my artwork too so I’ve been working on setting up places to buy prints, shirts and that kind of thing as well. I feel like I’m at a turning point in my life and I want to turn into the wind and go the direction that makes me happy and the more I get into it, that’s illustration. These photos are so old… Bergamot’s cousin Oolong came to visit with Becky! Becky has even come to visit with Oolong again since then >_< So… I don’t know exactly where I’m going right now but I am happier than I’ve ever been so I’m looking forward to sharing it more with you all ^_^ This didn’t turn out to be a very silent snapshots did it? Maybe I’ve found my groove again after all 😉