Today’s nail art is inspired by James’ favourite part of this time of year: cherries! He can barely eat them because of his allergies but he still loves them! So let’s get into it 😀

You need:

  • Yellow base polish
  • Red polish or acrylic paint
  • Green polish or acrylic paint
  • White polish or acrylic paint
  • Clear top coat

Begin by painting a yellow base coat and allowing it to dry.

To make the cherry shape paint two small circles which are almost touching each other. The right circle should be slightly higher up than the left.
I’m making this into a larger pattern so I painted pairs of cherries all over the nail randomly.
Next for the stems, using light green paint a thin line from each circle so it meets up the top and forms a sort of upside down “V” shape.
Add a small triangle at the top of the stem as a leaf.
Repeat on the other cherries. I also added a stem which went off the edge of the nail so it appeared like the pattern continued.
Once all of that is dry, use your white to add very small dots to the leaf and cherries to make highlights.
Lastly give everything a top coat using clear polish.
This pattern is so cute! … but now I’m hungry for cherries!
Hope you guys are having a good week and let me know if you try this out!

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