I’ve done several glitter shoe tutorials before but this one has been on my list for quite some time. I love the look of shoes with brightly coloured soles so glitter is the perfect way to highlight that even more. For anyone who was wondering, the shoes are from DreamV and they are SUPER uncomfortable!
The trick to this version not requiring a top coat of anything is the kind of glue used. I use wash n wear fabric glue but any non-water soluble fabric glue will work fine. If you decide to use a PVA or regular white craft glue keep in mind that they are only going to be water resistant, not water proof. You will also need to top coat with more glue in that case as they are weaker glues. There’s a tutorial for how to glitter sneakers that way over here.
This is the first craft video we’ve shot using the DLSR and I’m really happy with the new set up so far, it was a lot more work so if you enjoyed it share it and let me know! Now I’m just waiting for my new lights to get here so I can do even more things like this without needing to wait for the sun! 😀