Welcome to the next room in Home Sweet Home: Violet’s make up area!
Read each of the rooms below (links updated as I post):
- The original Home Sweet Home post
- Welcome to our Home Sweet Home
- The Living Room
- The Kitchen
- The Hallway
- The Bathroom
- The Laundry
- James’ Area
- Violet’s Vanity Area
- The Bedroom
- What have we learned?
Before and after:
More brightness here, this is the most cluttered area in the apartment but it’s starting to come together and match so it’s less obvious.
I think this is the area I worked on the most as it required me to completely redo the dresser.
This is definitely the pinkest area of the apartment, it’s also where I film my videos so it’s good to get me in the mood for it haha!
Jewellery is now organised on some little displays from Daiso. I have since added a section to this for earrings.
The good part of this area is that I can dump jewellery very easily and it doesn’t look too bad because it’s all fairly similar.
The new matching eyelash holder.
Make up 😀
I love my stool now but I totally hate the carpet. I just need enough time to crochet an entire new carpet 😉
Background information:
I love this vanity so much. In fact it’s been the subject of so many posts on the blog you’d probably know that already! My mum gave this vanity to me years ago and we had it in our old house too. When we moved down I couldn’t bring it but James’ parents were nice enough to bring it down for us with his double bass. I was so glad to have it back! Unfortunately the colour just didn’t work with what I was doing so I had to do some rethinking.
Changes made:
- Painted vanity
- Covered stool
- Removed shelves
- Cleared off everything and started the reorganisation from scratch
- Added all of the accessories
- Changed lighting set up
- Added new eyelash storage
- Added new accessory storage
Still to be done:
- Work out better storage on top of the shelves for large palettes
- Think about best way to have a backdrop permanently up
Final thoughts:
I love my vanity. I love it even more now it reflects my personality. The only problem I have is that it gets messy very easily. It’s the area that I tend to dump things in when I’m in a hurry. When I get home at night I dump all of my jewellery there because I’m too tired to put it away and that’s not ok. I think changing from a messy person to a neat person happens in degrees, you can’t just change overnight. I’ve made great progress at it so far because the new house design actually encourages me to put things in their places but the vanity is the one area left that’s a little tough to do because it’s so full of tiny things in a small area. It is happening though. I am becoming less lazy, I want to keep things tidy and I’ve noticed my priorities changing over the last year to reflect that. This area is my second favorite in the house (the special flower place in the lounge being my favorite), it’s very “me”. Every time I sit down here to do my make up I feel happy and that’s the whole point of the Home Sweet Home project. It’s a fantastic feeling when you can look at a before photo and know it’s never going back to that again!
Bonus progress photos:
You’ve already seen a lot of vanity photos on the blog at various times but here are a few of them again as a reminder of how far it’s come! The stool after it was recovered.
After moving it over to the other side of the bedroom.
Unfortunately as we moved everything around in the cupboards and around the house it became even more cluttered.
It was at that point I decided to paint it.
Much prettier!
And then I cluttered it right up again XD
Make sure you come back tomorrow for the next instalment: the bedroom!