Quick update on the Bergamot store, it is happening just slowly! I’m waiting for quotes from a couple of companies which might be able to solve the postal issues I’ve had and I’m also looking at professional production. So don’t worry I’m still working on it!
This tutorial is probably not something which is useful for me in the middle of a hot Summer here in Aus but I think the majority of you guys are in Winter now and I was making presents for overseas friends so here’s a Winter tutorial in the middle of my Summer… if that makes sense!
This is my little Bergamot pocket warmer ^_^
You need:
Gather all of your materials together and sketch out the shape of Bergamot’s head onto the polar fleece. Basically it’s an oval with two ears on the side, don’t cut between the ears. Cut out two pieces in this shape. Of course you could make them any shape you want… I just have a serious Bergamot obsession! Put the two pieces good sides together and use the needle and thread to blanket stitch around the outside, stop when you have 2cm gap. Flip the whole thing inside out. through the hole. You should have something like this… Fill the head with some rice. You don’t need more than a handful, just enough so it’s not flat. Stitch the hole shut completely. I also stitched across the ears and up between them so they look more like ears. To make it a bit more Bergamot-ish I added a little lace bow and then her V as a nose. I completely forgot the hearts in the ears >_< I’m planning to make a whole lot more of these so hearts next time haha! So there you go! Perfect for Winter, just make sure you don’t use anything meltable/flammable in the construction then pop it in the microwave for 10 seconds to warm up. Keep it in your pocket in winter or make two and pop them in your slippers 😀 Now if only I could come up with one of these that was cooling, it’s sooooooo hot right now ;_; Someone want to come to my house and pour ice all over me? Or bring a snow machine and turn my apartment into a winter wonderland? Yes please! |
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