We walked past this water feature that I’ve always kind of ignored because it’s so boring but this particular day there was a girl there making an art installation out of leaves.She was arranging them in a portrait, so pretty and such a lovely idea.A boy came and offered to help her remove some of the leaves stuck up too high for her and it was so cute ^_^ James took this one, he wanted to play with the camera almost as much as I did XD
I spent a lot of time enjoying the new flowers too, they didn’t smell so great but they sure were pretty!
Good chance to play with the focus too!
There was a really pretty flower shop along there too, I love seeing the flower stands around here. There’s one right near our house with a really nice owner. He’s always so friendly so I’ve decided when I’m one of those awesome rich people who can afford fresh flowers every week I’m going to shop exclusively there 😀
Generic shoe photos 😀
Now with 90% more random cow.
And just a little more random architecture… because I love it XD
I saw these adorable mop toppers at Tokuya… I have no idea if they do anything other than making your mop cuter but I think that’s a very good skill in itself 😉
Also James couldn’t help making Minecraft jokes at this…
More cuteness I found:
At this point we were trying to find a shop that James had been searching for. Unfortunately we weren’t sure it actually existed but it was a lot of fun looking for it!
We spent quite a lot of time wandering around China Town, at sunset it’s always so pretty in that area.
And I saw a lobster humping a crap… so I took a photo because I’m classy.
I really want to try this Japanese restaurant, it has really good reviews and the area reminds me so much of Tokyo!
At another restaurant we walked past was SUSHI BURGER! Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen but I totally want to try!
James finally found the Salvos store we were trying to find XD…
…and it happened to be right next to an arcade game parlour… 😀 Biggest claw machine EVER. Seriously the kitty at the back had black marks all over its head because people had tried to get it so much XD
An adorable puppy …
Pretty lanterns at another restaurant. I would love to do this to my house but I think having them so low would make the apartment feel tiny.
James trying to play with some kind of interactive watch advertisement XD
We met up with my Mum and went to dinner at Claypot King. James’ coke was strangely descriptive XD
I ordered what I thought was a drink that I had had before and ended up with this instead which was shaved ice full of coconut, peanuts, corn, jelly and cordial XD I have the worst luck with ordering things but I will try pretty much anything so it worked out! This was actually pretty good haha!
On the way home I taught my Mum how to play claw machines hahaha!
James discovered they installed pachinko and seems to have gotten slightly addicted, but having never seen or heard of one before he wasmore than a little confused >_< I was much more interested in the claw machines though so I won my Mum a green kitty 😀
It matches my pink one but she likes green.
That concludes my fun night of testing out my new camera! Hope you guys had as much fun reading as I did taking the photos 😀 |