A while ago Celeste came to visit and we decided to have some fun and experiment with various fun hair styles and make up 😀 Celeste had never tried big hime style hair before so I thought I would use her as a life sized doll and play with her hair. We made a quick little video showing the steps. I thought I would post it because I often get questions about my hair. While I’ve done tutorials in the past this might be useful as you can see a bit of detail and how quick it is to create.
That and you can enjoy giggling at us as we go. The audio was no good but if you can imagine this conversation in the background you’re pretty much set…
Violet: *does hair*
Celeste: :O it’s huge!
Violet: Bigger the better 😀
Celeste: *trying very hard to muffle juvenile laughter*
Violet: Ahahahahaha bigger the better, I get it!
Celeste: *Sends photos to room mate*
Celeste: -_-‘
Violet: *snicker snicker snicker*
And much laughter was had all around.
So hope that was a little useful ^_^ We did a couple of other styles which I will posts too. Next time we do something like this I’ll have a new lighting set up so everything will be nicer quality yay!
If you want to see Celeste’s post about her make up check over here.