Another edition of Snapshots today ^_^ I’ve been quite lazy in writing these entries but I want to get back into it as a weekly thing because it’s such a good way to keep a record of fun things I do. I had considered moving all of the snapshots over to the Cuties section of the blog rather than posting them here but I can’t decide. What do you guys think? Prefer them like this or would you rather them spaced out several times a day on the Cuties section? Maybe we should take a vote, it’s been a while since I took a poll XD

A few weeks back Celeste and I were lucky enough to be invited to the Fashion Addict warehouse for a tour. I don’t know if David knew what he was in for when he invited two beauty obsessed girls, I mean I know that You’ve Got Nail warned him about letting me into the wig/false eyelash section of the store but no amount of preparation can be quite enough I think XD

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It was the grown up version of being a kid in a candy store!VioletLeBeauxP1040589_1542 copy

Look at all these bangles!!

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And tea cup necklaces!

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James and I met up with Thomas and Sakie who are bloggers from Japan who were on their way to Singapore. We started the night wondering what we would all have in common but it turned out that we have very similar tastes XD

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Also it was an excuse to finally try Max Brenner chocolate which I’ve been wanting to for ages. It was pretty good but definitely not the best I’ve had here.

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I didn’t get any photos of Thomas or Sakie ;_; If you guys read this remember to email me the ones you got!!

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I’ve been thinking what to do for my birthday this year, I don’t actually normally celebrate it but for some reason I’m feeling extra festive this year so I might actually do something! Let me know if you guys have any suggestions of things I might like to do ^_^

I thought this cake was really pretty!

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I’ve been obsessed with spotting gargoyles on top of the old buildings here, there are so many of them hidden up on the roof tops!

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I’ve also been making a point to go down alley ways we don’t usually go through to try and find new cute things. Melbourne is one of those places that has so many little alleys and streets that even if I spent my whole life looking through them all I probably wouldn’t find half of the cute places XD

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There have been a lot of protests in the city too recently. There are always protests going on in town but I think there have been more than usual because the Federal budget came out last week :S

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I saw these adorable fingerless gloves/mittens the other day and I want to make some! I clearly don’t have enough panda themed clothing and I love the idea of fingerless gloves that turn into mittens.

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I also spotted these super cute bunny and bear scissors in Tokuya, so sweet!

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Celeste came back to visit for a little while and took us to the cutest little bubble tea place on Bourke Street. Can’t remember the name but they had these chairs suspended from the roof and the whole place was decorated with flowers. They had an area where you could rent little cubicles by the month and sell things too, I’m considering making some stuff and giving it a try ^_^

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The tea was nice but the food was kind of not great.

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James was too busy playing on his phone to pose or eat so I took matters into my own hands haha!

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I had tea with my Mother at one of the cafes that opened in Myer since it had it’s refurbishment and they had the cutest tea set…

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And lastly here is a cute take on a ladies room sign I spotted in one of the city McDonalds, very posh haha!

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That’s all for now! What have you guys been up to??