This isn’t really a full tutorial, mostly because when I started it I was planning something completely different for this fabric which didn’t work out. I wanted to make a comfy romper/playsuit type thing to wear on snuggly couch days but as it turns out non-fitted rompers look terrible on me! So not wanting to waste the fabric I improvised a comfy frilly jumper/dress thing out of the remains ^_^
This was my end result:
The fabric I used was stretchy polar fleece and the light pink was left over muslin from other projects.
The pieces I started with are below. The middle section is a basic tube which is wider at the bottom. It has the top corners cut off to form arm holes and the neckline is basically a cut out semi-circle. The arm pieces are 4 long rectangles with the corners cut off at one end so they match at the arm holes. First thing to do is sew/overlock down the sides of the middle tube from the bottom of the arm holes to the waist. Next overlock the arm pieces in pairs starting at where it will meet the arm and continuing to the wrist.
Open the arm piece and the top of the middle tube so you can pin the arm hole all the way across…
Over lock it on each side and you should have this…
Now overlock around the edges of the sleeves and the neckline. Overlock the tops of the sleeves together and you’ve got a simple jumper!
Add a ruffle to the bottom seam out of muslin and that’s about it. I wanted to keep it a bit raw and homemade/comfy looking so I didn’t both turning the overlocked edges under.
I could totally picture it all dressed up on an adorable fairy kei girl but for me it’s the perfect thing to wear for hanging around the house 😀 |