Another one of these crafts that we all do as kids and seem to forget about… Cute egg cosies! Ok personally I think egg cosies are completely pointless other than for decoration in this day and age XD The point is to keep your soft boiled eggs warm until you are ready to eat them but I have never once sat down to eggs and thought “Damn! My egg is so luke warm, if only I had someway to keep it warm… other than eating it straight away”. Of course it could be that if I lived in a colder climate I would think these are the best thing ever invented XD
Either way, they are insanely cute and are actually useful if you plan on taking hardboiled egg in a lunch box as they add some padding to prevent cracks. I’m planning some patterns for knitted versions as well but in the mean time here is the way I’m pretty sure everyone made them as a child: felt!
What you need:
- Felt in various colours, as I’m making a bunny I went with white and pink for the nose
- Needle and thread
- Scissors
- Small piece of elastic.
- Egg (for measuring)
Once you’ve measured and cut the felt into the correct size rectangle, fold the sides inwards to the middle like so:
It’s a bit hard to see in this photo because of the colour of the back ground but the next step is to cut the shape of ears into the top. I started with 2 points and later cut them to be more rounded.
Once you unfold, you should have 4 ears up top.
Now cut a piece of elastic which can stretch easily to fit around the widest point of the egg…
And stitch it to the bottom of the felt, leaving a small gap at the bottom for a frill. Make sure that the elastic is stretched out when you sew it and stitch loosely so you don’t restrict it otherwise you’ll find it hard to get the egg in!
From the front it looks like this….
Now fold it all in half with the seam at one side…
… and stitch up using a blanket stitch.
Once you flatten it out it should look something like the picture below. This was the point that I decided to round out my ears a bit.
The next step is to stitch around the tops of the ears in the same blanket stitch.
After that’s done it’s just a matter of cutting out a little nose…
And stitching on it’s face!
Pop and egg in and he’s finished! Ready to keep your egg toasty warm or safe in your lunch box.
The pattern itself is very easy to change into any shape you like because really it’s just a rectangle of felt XD These kinds of projects also make nice customisable quick presents for people that have everything especially because you can personalise it so much. Try stitching on their name of using their favorite animal ^_^