I’ve been wanting to try blue circle lenses for aaaages so I was so happy when E-Circlelens.net offered to send me some!
Yay for parcels in the mail! I was very happy when the post man delivered this 😀
Lots of careful packing with Styrofoam so nothing was broken. Shipping was nice and quick too. I received two pairs, firstly the Belita Blue which have a diameter of 14.5mm. They are US$40 and the manufacturer is Dueba They are the ones I wore in the poufy hair tutorial… They have a black ring around the outside and very dramatic bright blue. On the website they look really crazy blue but when they are actually in I think they are more subtle. On darker eyes these would be quite subdued but I think they would really pop on light blue eyes. My eyes are green with a brown ring in the middle so they blended quite well, I have fairly large pupils though. I think they might work really well for girls with lighter eyes too. After around 7 hours I found them to still be very comfortable and my eyes were only a tiny bit dry. Verdict: Look massive, very cool for day to day wear. DO WANT |