This week is going to be insanely busy for me but I’m going to do my best to keep up with you all! Sorry if I’m slow to reply to comments and emails please be patient 🙂
I’ll post abut everything that’s going on properly tomorrow but for today I wanted to post the photos from our Master Chef Finale party ^_^
I didn’t really follow Master Chef at the beginning because it looked boring. People cooking on tv? I can watch James do that in my own kitchen mwahahah! Anyway by the end I was a little hooked just like everyone else in Australia so when Celeste invited us over for a Masterchef finale party I couldn’t say no XD
Each of us was to make a dish from the show, James and my contribution was the macaron tree (surprise!)
This is them cooling:
And our finished macaron trees… Yummy looking right? Celeste and Kev made beef bourguignon (sp??) and stroganoff. They even hand made the pasta… omg it was so yummy! Seriously this was one of the best dinners I have ever had! There was a little bit of this during the night… But it was mostly this… SMILE KITTY! Getting to play with such fluffy kitties was a novelty for me, so damn fluffy! We also had scotch eggs which were yummy! Here I am putting together one of the trees, James did one and I did the other. *cough* guess who’s looked better! Pistachio and green tea, Raspberry and white chocolate and Bueno flavors this time! James making his tree: Taste test? Why thank you! Desert was also fantastic with opera cake! So delicious 😀 Gangsta kitty is gangsta. The kitchen was full of delicious chaos! The tea was delicious and free flowing. It’s nice to meet other people who love tea as much as me! Celeste has over 40 different kinds of tea in her cabinet!! *40* And lastly I will leave you with this. Because I can. |