I’m here to distract you with nail art but I’m sure you’ve all noticed a few of the changes I’m making around the blog by now ^_^

I’ve been quite busy over the weekend and fixed a lot of the issues we were talking about last post, there is still more to come so when I’m finished (probably in the next few days) I’ll do a round up post of what has changed. Please keep in mind that I’ll be tinkering so if something doesn’t work, don’t stress just wait a little bit and try again 🙂

So it would seem that my heart shaped measuring bowls and spoons are a bit of a hit! I was inundated with emails and comments asking where you could all get one. So here are two websites that apparently sell them or very similar to them. These sites both stock the spoons and other cute things as well.

Hear Mum Roar found this site: http://www.littlebetsybaker.com.au/store/pc/Heart-Shaped-Bowl-143p962.htm

My Mother found this one which is definitely the same: http://www.chalet.net.au/home

Now onto what you all really want to see: NAIL ART!

Because I’m going to be spending the day making a heap of sets of nail art for my Etsy store I though I’d treat you to some eye candy 😉 I know a lot of you have only just started reading my blog recently so I wanted to show you some nail art I did quite a while ago, most likely before you all started reading ^_^ If you’ve been reading for over a year feel free to skip this one 😛 Apologies for the size of the photos, these were all edited back when my blog was even tinier on blogspot.

These ones are all done with a Konad stamper for a competition, there are non-konad ones at the end.

Omg back when I had red hair 😀


Fimo Fruit Nail Art

Fimo Fruit Nail Art

Fimo Fruit Nail Art

Hope you enjoyed and look forward to the nail art designs I’m doing today, some of them are pretty spectacular ^_^

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