One of the absolute highlights of James and my trip to Melbourne happened on the last day, in fact it happened on the way to the airport: we got to visit Circa Vintage!

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Having met the lovely Nicole at our tea party we were super excited when she invited us to the shop on our last day in town! There was a New Zealand TV show filming in the store that day for a competition of some sort so the shop was bustling with excitement ^_^

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The shop itself was full of so many beautiful things! I seriously could have spent my entire bank account with very little trouble, to be honest if we hadn’t been on the way to fly home I probably would have left with bags and bags of beautiful vintage dresses and accessories!

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Nicole was lovely enough to let me try on some of the dresses and I had such a wonderful time prancing around like a princess!

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The first piece I tried on was this beautiful pink number:

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The fabric had the most beautiful floral designs woven into it and on the front there was a big bow!

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The next piece was a purple lace dress which was much more form fitting. Here I am as the lovely Fiona helped me clip it at the back, I was too small for all of the dresses so we clipped them for the photos ^_^

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Mwahaha we even convinced James to get in the spirit of things as he tried on this delicious vintage wool suit. I had to tell him like 50923842 times that a wool suit wouldn’t do well in Brisbane’s climate and he still didn’t want to part with it! How dashing does he look seriously?

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This next dress was my favorite of the day and they practically had to bribe me to get out of it!

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It’s a beautiful blue chiffon piece with lace details sewn around the bodice and skirt.

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Being surrounded by the camera crew! I can’t wait to see how they edit the footage together!

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One of the many reasons I loved this dress was the twirling action! I felt like a Disney Princess XD

The dressing up bug was contagious and Candicefound the most lovely fitted purple dress!

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Ok we took way to many pictures…. but how awesome is it?!

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By this point the day went something like this with James falling asleep in the chair while I camwhored 😉

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Being clipped into the next dress by the wonderful Nicole and Fiona:

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This is the only picture of both of us from the whole damn trip!

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The whole atmosphere in the shop was beautiful!

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PEARLS! It’s like some kind of lovely dream 😀

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Group shot of all the girls! Left to right: Nicole, Fiona, Me, Candice. They all look so pretty!

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Bonus pic! Jamestitled this photo “Parasols at Dawn” heehee!

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If you want to visit Circa Vintage check the website for more details or drop into the store at: 102 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, Victoria. I can’t wait to go back when we move down!!

For even more photos from Circa Vintage go check James blog here.

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