While we’re here I thought I’d show you the main brushes I use in case anyone’s interested.Top: FoundationMiddle: Blush Bottom: Powder
Top: Smudging Middle: Eyeshadow Bottom: Fluffing/blending
Top: Angled eyeliner Bottom: Concealer
So why do I use baking soda and is it suitable for you too? Baking soda is awesome for cleaning a whole lot of things. I always have a supply of it because I also use it in place of shampoo. I know it doesn’t bother my skin or face in the same way that some other products do because I already use it on my hair. If you have any allergies or sensitivities be very careful and consult a doctor before committing to putting something on your face. Patch testing is good too. It’s also extremely cheap at around $1.50 a box. It may or may not be suitable for you to use on your brushes. Soaking is always risky with brushes because if they are not well made it can loosen the glue used to hold the bristles in and therefore cause shedding. If your brushes shed already I wouldn’t recommend soaking them. I prefer soaking to other methods because I feel like it cleans better but honestly that’s probably just a mental thing haha! So first thing is to fill a small container with warm water and adding a couple of teaspoons of the baking soda. Mix it around but don’t worry if it doesn’t completely dissolve. One by one add a brush to the water and swoosh it around in the liquid. Make sure to get all of the bristles wet, you’ll probably start seeing powders and pigments coming out.
The water looks pretty gross after a few brushes!
Tip the container out and refill it with fresh warm water. Add some more baking soda and leave the brushes to soak for 20 minutes or so. This is when I usually clean my foundation brushes.
Again this may or may not be suitable for your brushes.
Once they have soaked I give each brush a quick run under clean water and make sure there’s no more dirt there with my fingers.
Smooth the bristles into shape again and squeeze out any water. Leave them to dry completely and you’ve got nice clean brushes ready to be used! I always leave this for a night when I know I won’t need them the next day so they can dry naturally. Some people will dry with a hair dryer to use right away but I don’t like that because it can loosen the glue as well as causing the bristles to dry out of shape. That’s it! Clean brushes very cheap and easily 😀 |