These little ribbon roses are very cheap to buy in bulk but there are times when the colour you need isn’t available or you can’t find the right size, so i’ll show you how to make them yourself. It’s insanely easy to do as well!
Update! I’ve made a video of the process for those of you who need some help:
What you need:
- Ribbon
- Needle and thread
- … that’s it!
Now starting from the outside, roll it in towards the rest of the ribbon… Now fold the ribbon backwards on a 45degree angle… Roll that around the stem like this… And stitch in place. From the top it looks like this: Fold the ribbon backwards again and keep rolling as you stitch it. This is pretty much how you make the whole thing, keep folding backwards, rolling and stitching. This is a view of how I stitch the bottom as I go… After a while you’ll see the rose starting to form. It can take a little bit of practice to be able to get the petals to sit correctly, the key is to make sure that you don’t wrap it too tightly, you want the petals to fan out not stick around the stem. Once you are happy with the size of the flower then cut off any extra and fold it down toward the stem. And tie it all off… It should look something like this from the side, if you wrap it too tightly it won’t fan out this nicely. All done! Then just attach it to a hair tie and you’ve got a very cute accessory 😀 Once you get the hang of it, you can pretty much make them without paying too much attention. This is a great craft project for watching a movie with 😀 First thing, fold down one end at a 45 degree angle and stitch it in place. You should leave a couple of cm at the bottom to form a stem. |
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