MBBE Melbourne Beauty Blogger Event
On the weekend I was lucky enough to be invited to attend the Melbourne Beauty Bloggers Event. It was spectacular!
We took cute beauty blogger mug shots on the way in to the party!
It was held at the Oxygen Skin Centre in Docklands, food was supplied by the Earl Canteen and drinks were from Nudie. James had his fair share of his treasured “tiny sandwiches” haha! |
With James being photographer for the day we ended up with something ridiculous like 500 photos :OYou can see all of the photos of the day on my Flickr here.A special thank you goes out to Val of Ponikutawho organized everything, she was fantastic and it was awesome to finally meet her in person!The event was a long time in the planning and so I think most of us had been chatting on Twitter in the lead up, it was fun to put real faces to Twitter handles 😀 I met so many lovely bloggers and I’m really hoping that we can stay in touch!Here is the list of attendees, they all run fantastic beauty blogs so do check them out!
- http://www.ponikuta.com
- http://www.fablesinfashion.com/
- http://mscritique.com/
- http://the-lip-print.blogspot.com/
- http://www.youvegotnail.blogspot.com/
- http://www.beautyswatch.com
- https://violetlebeaux.com/
- http://www.beautyholicsanonymous.com/
- http://tweedelaan.blogspot.com/
- http://www.onyamagazine.com/category/beauty/
- http://hollyjcurtis.wordpress.com/
- http://missjshopaholic.blogspot.com/
- http://ampersandmel.wordpress.com/
- http://counterobsession.blogspot.com/
- http://thingsllove.blogspot.com/
- http://www.pop-couture.com/
- (I don’t think I’ve got everyone on the list so if I missed you I’m really sorry! Let me know in the comments and I’ll update!)
At the end of a lovely girly day full of pampering (foot spas and hand massages) we were treated to a *fantastic* array of gift bags! Val did some serious organising and put together a huge amount of goodies for us!This is what I looked like at the end of the day XD
Ok ok ok so only half of that is actually mine but still… HAUL and a half!You can see all of the goodies we took home here^_^ I’m such a lucky girl! So many products to try and that means lots more reviews on the blog!I had an absolutely wonderful time and I can’t wait until next year! I think I’m the luckiest blogger in the world 😀