Lottie Is Growing Up

Omg how much has Lottie grown?


We are finally able to take her out for walks now and her legs have grown so she looks like a little puff ball on skinny little legs XD


She LOVES walking. When I say walking I really mean running every single direction to smell stuff other than the direction we’re actually walking in.


But she’s learning the “heel” command quite well now.


So we only have to stop every minute for sniff tests.


She’s taken to napping in the afternoon sun now it’s getting warm.


She’s got such a lot of personality for such a little dog and she LOVES meeting new people


She’s also terrified of new people so it makes walks quite hilarious. Walking her has brought us into some new situations as she’s a great conversation starter. Most of the time people are nice but there are some people who really overstep the personal space boundaries. I’m not a fan of people who just pat her without asking me first. That’s such a dangerous thing to do with a dog you’ve never met before. Strangers have no idea whether she bites or not *_* Some people have even come and just picked her up without asking permission which is all kinds of not cool. I could rant a lot more about this but let’s go back to the happy place of looking at puppy photos!


Her little ears have popped up completely now and she looks so mischievous!



The look totally suits her though because her personality is definitely that of a very clever trickster! Most days she’s smarter than me >_<


She knows how to get one over on James too >_>


They also have turned into partners in crime. I often look over to see this look of guilt:



She makes a really great scarf too.


I see her every day so I didn’t even realise how much she’s grown up until I was looking through the photos on my phone the other day. She’s so well behaved (most of the time) and even though she’s still only around 4.5 months old she’s growing into my perfect dog.


LOVE her face!

Fabric Shopping – Melbourne Snapshots

It’s snapshots time!

Oh Australia, cheap signs like these are why overseas tourists become so confused about our wildlife. Why is a koala the baby on board the kangaroo?!


Lottie is learning lots of new tricks, she’s totally a top dancer now! I think she should go on some kind of doggie dancing reality tv show.


I saw these sneakers, it was like looking back into the 90’s, Sporty Spice would be proud.


We’ve been watching Cougar Town recently and I found Big Carl in a junk store ahahaha! Now if only I actually drank wine, is it less cool to drink cranberry juice out of him?


Oh! Remember how I said I found that op shop in the city? Some of you asked for directions, well it’s inside the Block Arcade, near Koko Black.


You go down the creepy stairs towards “Dungeon of Magic” whatever that is… and it’s the Brotherhood of St Laurence boutique.


Lottie got microchipped and had some more injections. She was so sad!


Totally brave though, she didn’t even cry. The vet said that almost all of the other dogs cried, go Lottie!


She kept trying to jump into my arms from the table XD So cute!


The second it was done she ran back into the travel case. She looks so cute staring out. She wasn’t a big fan of the other dogs there because they were all very loud and distressed.


The trees have been so beautiful lately around here.


Lottie discovered her love for tea and her annoyance that she can’t have any.


She also learned to nap standing up.


I saw some cute mannequins at Spotlight and decided I want to make one to display things at home.


Some pretty architecture.


We went fabric shopping in Brunswick, everything is *so* cheap there. I’m never buying fabric from Spotlight/Lincraft again. I’m really looking forward to making some more clothes. Cute work out clothes here I come!


James enjoyed shopping for our Halloween decorations, these photos are from a while ago XD


Worst halloween costume EVER. Seriously. It’s a bra with bleeding eyes. CANNOT UNSEE.


We spotted some yarn bombing on park benches. It said “Tell me a phurphy”. No clue what it’s in reference to but yay yarn bombing!


Some cute tea pots, I love that it comes with a basket for sugar cubes! I just love sugar cubes. And carrots. And having my nose stroked. What?


A cute florist I saw while we were shopping.


And more pretty architecture. Well a lot of it’s run down but it looks like it used to be very pretty.


Lottie decided to see if she could join the Kiss tour.


And to end let’s go with some more cute puppy photos… because I keep taking them >_<


I’ve totally turned into one of those people who talks about nothing other than their dog… but she’s SO cute! And I’ve been stuck inside with her all the time until she gets used to being alone for more than a few hours or can come out too so I really haven’t done anything that interesting!


I reget nothing!!!! Mwahahaha~


Cute Puppy Lottie Photo Spam!

It’s time for some more Lottie Loving 😀 (but not the kind she gives to the stuffed dog we gave her *_*)

She’s getting so good with her tricks now. My favorites are Shake and Dance, she is so freaking cute when she dances!


These photos are a little old but I’m going nuts with taking photos now while she’s growing up so I can document it all.

The cuddling hasn’t stopped either, she is a big cuddler. She loves to run and fetch her favorite toy then jump into my lap to eat it. She’s awesome at fetch!


In fact she’s great at jumping too! We noticed how much she loves to jump so James made her a jump track to do. I want to take her to agility classes, I think she would have so much fun!


Of course, she doesn’t make it quite every time XD


She likes to cuddle while we watch videos on the ipad.


She still loves strangers, terrible guard dog. If we ever get broken in to she’s going to lick the burglar to death. We had some visitors from Brisbane and she became so over excited that she wet herself >_<


Her favorite toy is the one that has slots for food.


I managed to get her to wear a bow though! We’re still working on whether it will actually stay on XD


She loved the new rug I made so much so that I’m going to make her a mini one. She really loves yarn!


Her introductions to the outside have been only through the window at the moment but soon she’ll be outside and walking on the leash like a champion!


She met the Lottie who lives in the mirror. She does not like EvilLottie at all. She gets very annoyed that she has to share her room with Evil Lottie.


Bergamot is quite jealous of all the attention Lottie’s getting at the moment. I think Lottie may wake up with pen marks all over her face from evil Bergamot one day.


This is the face she gives when caught being naughty:


And she makes an awesome pillow:


I don’t think there’s much point me explaining these any more, they’re all just adorable puppy photos!


Argh extreme love 😀 I know I post about her a lot but she’s brightened my life so much and every time I look at her it makes me happy! I’m teaching her a lot of new tricks at the moment, but I’m running out of ideas, what do you guys think I should teach next?

Ridiculous Places Lottie Naps

Lottie loves napping in weird places. I think she’s kind of a weird dog, she’d have to be a little weird living with us haha.

Lottie sleeps in a blanket burrito.


She sleeps upside down.


She sleeps upside down a lot…


She sleeps in her blanket the other way around.


She covers her eyes if it’s bright.


She steals my pillow if I get up because it’s warm.


Seriously upside down a lot.


Again with the stolen pillow.


She  doesn’t wake up even if you take ridiculous photos like this.


She sleeps next to us while we watch videos in bed.


Sometimes her eyes open and she looks like a zombie while she sleeps. Seriously it’s kind of creepy.


She sleeps through me brushing her so I entertain myself by brushing her fur the wrong way > : D


She smooshes her faces between cushions.


Or inside of blankets.


She is seriously so classy.


The best part of her sleeping? She’s not trying to eat my hair or my knitting XD


Extreme awww moment.

How I Made Lottie’s Puppy Halloween Witch Costume


Today I figured I would do a quick walk through of how I made Lottie’s Halloween costume. I’m not really sure how I feel about dogs wearing cutesy clothing in general because I know some of them hate it. As she’ll most likely need to wear a coat when we go out in winter next year our vet suggested getting her used to it now while she’s still little. I haven’t made her any real coats yet so I figured I’d get in quick and do something that could double for Halloween.

I cut up a shirt that my Mum was going to get rid of as it didn’t fit.


First I cut the skirt section off.


Then I cut down around the clasp so I could fold the top of the black part over to form a collar.


I stitched the collar in place and put a piece of elastic through it so it was the right size for her neck.


The  I cut off a piece of the stretchy arm of the dress and stitched it on the inside of the cape so it would go around her tummy and keep it all in place.


Of course the front needed to be cut much shorter so it wouldn’t get in the way of her feet. To keep the jagged look I snipped unevenly and went all around the back too.


I couldn’t resist so I made a matching hat clip too from the scraps… though I ended up wearing it more than she did >_>


Verdict: she couldn’t have cared less about wearing it so I don’t think I’ll have any problems at all when it comes to Winter again!


She couldn’t stand the smell of one of our Halloween broom props though XD I was quite surprised she didn’t try to eat it!


Very cute and a good practice run for a time where she really needs something like this.


I’m so glad she’s such a relaxed puppy with things like this because it makes it much easier to do important things like bathing and clipping her nails without her panicking!


Hope you guys all had an awesome Halloween and had fun with your costumes too!


Shameless Cute Puppy Gifs :D

I really have nothing productive for you today but I’ve been completely obsessed with making gifs of Lottie at the moment so I thought I’d share some of my favorites 😀

They are so much more expressive than photos so you can get an idea of her personality!

She has a lot of moods, this is cuddly Lottie:



The “You didn’t see that right?” Lottie:


And playful Lottie:


This is training Lottie, she’s getting so good at her tricks!



And crazy puppy Lottie. The first one is what anyone who sits on the ground at our apartment sees right before getting licked to death.


Extreme love 😀



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